The Road

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Greg and I were on our first road trip. We had been looking forward to this trip for months. It had been planned since the first day of our senior year of college. Now we had both graduated and deserved a vacation. Greg and I had been together for 2 years at that point. We were in a happy relationship and things only pointed up.

This would be the first time we were alone together for so long. Of course we had spent the night with one another, but until now we each had roommates in the dorms. Very rarely were we able to be alone. We planned to take advantage of this.

Unfortunately the road trip was long and boring. Greg did all the driving. I wasn't too good at driving and he, understandably, didn't want me banging up his new car. I proudly grabbed the map off the dashboard and began navigating. In the beginning it was easy. I'd found our starting and ending points, but forgot I had to pay attention the entire trip. The drive was 10 hours and we planned to do it in one day. It wasn't terrible, but our radio service was spotty the whole time. Greg and I drove through the desert. It was flat and boring. Thankfully there were lots of other cars. I imagined they were all college students headed home for the summer just like us. It gave me plenty of opportunity to play the license plate game. It proved to be quite boring.

I bothered Greg with my thoughts and questions the whole ride. I blasted music when the service would allow it, much to Greg's annoyance. We started driving when it was dark outside. It was now the middle of the day. There were more cars than ever before.

"Evie," Greg asked, eyes still staring at the desert road. "What off ramp do I need?" He asked so kindly, though I knew he was tired and one mistake away from bursting with anger. This was quite unfortunate because I had indeed made a mistake.

"Greg, honey," I stammered. "Well, I'm afraid I don't know." I looked down at my lap. My blue sundress rested just above my knees. "You see, I may have lost track of our location. I was too nervous to tell you."

Greg's knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. "Eve, please tell me this is a joke." He tried to keep his emotions contained. This wasn't the first time on this trip I had gotten us lost. Already we had to turn around. Plus another time I led us the wrong direction after stopping at a gas station to pee. "Eve, where are we?" He grew impatient.

"I'm sorry but I don't know."
"Why didn't you tell me when you first lost track?"
"I didn't want you to be angry. I was hoping I could figure it out on my own." I tried giving him puppy dog eyes in the rear view mirror. "I suppose this isn't a good time to tell you I need the restroom."

That was it. I had done it. Greg halted the car and yanked us over to the side of the desert road. He waved people on by. "I cannot believe how immature you are Evie! I'm telling you this is the last straw!"  He huffed and unbuckled his seat belt. Greg carefully opened his door and walked over to my side of the car. My door was flung open and I was properly yanked out of my seat.
"You have gotten us lost nearly 3 times on this trip! We're only halfway there. Not to mention how many times we've needed to stop to let you pee!"

Greg grabbed my arm and took me over to the trunk of the car. "Stay here." He told me in a firm voice. The tall man retrieved the map from inside the car and laid it open on the trunk. "Eve, tell me where we are."

"I don't know!" I cried. "I'm sorry but I don't know!"

He shook his head and started to chuckle. "Oh my dear, I had really hoped this was all a joke." He stared at me intently. "Eve, I'm going to punish you."

"What are you talking about?" Cars whizzed past us. Most people stared at us through their windows.

"I'm going to lean you over the trunk of the car, my dear, and spank you." Greg said this so matter of factly I almost didn't believe him. This had to be a gag. But like we both hoped, neither of us had been kidding around. "I'm going to remove your sundress, leaving you in your bra and panties. Then I'm going to pull those panties down to your knees and spank you bare."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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