Beacon of the Dark (Part 3)

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 Odin had left the realm angered that his business had gone interrupted. 

He were currenly on an endeavor to prevent harrowing wars within other realms. Unbeknownst to all; Asgard were at the brink of war on account of a certain devious God..

Over the centuries Loki had caused tensions wherever he went.

As a true God of fire he could bring great creations.. but also mass destruction..

Medalling were like a game to him. Stirring tensions wherever he could to watch the chaos errupt later. It were as though he constantly challenged Odin's leadership; like he got bored of peace too easily..


Upon your return you were immediatly tended-to by healers.

You felt ashamed as they reacted to your damaged body. The bruises.. the cuts.. everything.

"How monstrous of him" one of the healers whispered under her breath.

You frowned slightly retracting a little. You didn't want to think about it.


You were walking past the hall on your way back when you caught a glimpse of someone. 

You froze in disbelief as you saw Gorm working calmly amongst the other servants.

 He glanced over completely unaware. 

He looked through you as though he'd never even met you before.

He simply carried on with his daily duty unaware of your attachments.

Your eyes watered just seeing he were alright..


You paused however as it dawned on you.

He were never with you in the first place.. it had been Loki the entire time.


You couldn't shake it from your thoughts after that..

It meant that while he were busy trying to end your life.. he were also protecting it..

You didn't know how to react to the information..

You later found out he were being held in a forgotten dungeon.. All chained in the lone of  darkness.  

Thor were the one to inform you.

You were supposed to feel at ease being notified of his imprisonement; however that weren't the case..


Many nights faded past since the incident. 

You jolted awake from your sleep as your bedroom shook violently.

It were the same each night.. Violent quakes would rupture throughout Asgard. They were consistent too. You shuddered knowing exactly what were the cause behind them..

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