Chapter 1 - The Shower

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Taylor's POV
This is it. I'm filming this scene with Laura where we're both naked in the shower. It's the most nerve racking moment of my life, because have you seen her? She's so hot. Whoah, what am I saying? I'm totally 100% straight.

Just get on with it Taylor.

I'm shaking violently, waiting to be called from the dressing rooms. Don't get me wrong, we share great chemistry, but for a first scene, wow. It's like, the world is spinning in slow motion. I hear my name called and for the first time, I don't want to be in the spotlight. I wonder how Laura must be feeling right now...

Stop it, pull yourself together.

It's taking all my confidence to walk through this door and out onto that set, but I can see Laura stood there waiting for me, so I'm doing it. Upon arrival, I can see so many familiar faces behind the cameras, Jenji, Natasha, Yael... God so many people here to watch me possibly break down. At first I refuse to make eye contact with Laura, but soon enough I find myself having to meet her gaze. Waves of curiosity and worry flutter in her eyes, and that's what scares me the most. She notices me shaking, and gives me a questioning look; but I just brush her off and listen to the director.


I enter the shower, and as the cold water hits my back I feel a warm pair of hands creep around my waist.

I'm snapped out of my acting when I jump at Laura's touch.

"And, cut. Taylor, honey, you're supposed to be in love, this is normal for a couple like you. Try to remember that hun. Actually, let's take a break, back in 5."


Laura's POV
Okay, that was totally insane. What's up with this girl?! As soon as we were told to take a break, Taylor practically sprinted off set. I followed her and ended up at her dressing room door.
"Taylor, babe, it's me, Laura" I try speaking softly from the other side of the door. I have this feeling that something is wrong with her, but I just can't put my finger on it. I can hear a muffled sniffle from behind the door and sure enough it's open. As I enter the room, I can see Taylor folded onto her chair in front of her mirror, sobbing into her knees like a child.
"Taylor! What's wrong?" I don't know what to do, she looks so vulnerable at this moment, I'm just speechless. Taylor attempts to compose herself as if nothing is wrong;
"Nothing, nothing I'm fine" she replies, but I can see through her lies.
"Okay. As long as it's not me, we're good," as I'm speaking I notice Taylor's expression change, from fine, to absolutely not, and back again.
"No! No of course not!" She's quick to answer, and that's what makes me doubt her answer. Is there something wrong with me? I don't know.
"Hey so, I've been thinking," Taylor's eyes flicker up to meet mine "We should grab a coffee after work, no harm in that, right?" For a split second, I feel as if I've made a huge mistake. But Taylor replies with a simple nod and smile.
"That settles it then. Meet me at my car after you've finished filming with Jason and were all set," she smiles, "but now let's go get naked" I smirk and raise my eyebrows but Taylor gives me a disapproving look. Did I offend her?
"Laura.. Um.. Your... Err... Robes kinda loose..?" She giggles uneasily and as I look down, and blush.
"Oh shit! Thanks hun" I smile and close over my robe. We both look into eachothers eyes and then fall about laughing, so much so we receive an angry knock from someone outside. We smirk and then continue to giggle. If moments with Taylor were like this, it wouldn't be so bad after all.

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