Chapter 18

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It felt so good to actually be able to hug Trinity, and whack Jessie. I wish I was kidding, kinda forgot how much I liked to whack his arm.

After hours of catching up, we decided to go to sleep around 11:52pm. Bri and Kenzie took the guest room, we took the couch.

I woke up around 3:40ish in the morning, I realized that the stars would be really pretty, thats just how I was raised.

When I opened the door it was already unlocked. I stepped outside to see Jessie sitting on the front steps.

"Why the hell are you up?" He asks standing up.

"I could say the same about you" I say closing the door behind me. We sit back down on the steps.

"You make a good point" He says agreeing with me.

"We do this every time" I say looking at him.

"What do you mean" He says looking down to me.

"Well, back when you were 14, and I was 13, and you were shorter and I was tall-"

"Get to the point" He interupts me, elbowing me lightly.

"Every conversation we have had was basically
Hey, hello, you ask a question,I question your question, and you agree" I explain laughing a little.

"Damn it"

"What" I ask looking back up to him.

"Your right" he says causing me to laugh "I hate it when your right".

I rest my head on his shoulder "Yeah, but you love me" I sit back up.

Suddenly he starts laughing I look to the sky, then back at him "what" I ask.

"I just remembered" He laughs "that one time" He pauses and takes a breath "when we were celebrating your birthday in highschool." He looses his shit again.

"Which time" I ask cautiously.

"We faked being a couple for free dessert at a restaurant" He's lying on the ground now laughing.

"Oh my fucking god" I say covering my face with my hands.

"You didn't tell me about the desert till after you started faking us dating" He manages to say.

"It was a sign on the wall thingy, I didn't know till we were being seated" I try to explain.

"You just grabbed my hand and gave me a just go with it look" He says dying.

"I forgot that was before Trinity said she had a crush on you" I laugh out.

"How long did you know" He asks sitting back up.

"Like... a couple weeks after I started to help instruct with you guys" I confess.

"That was like... 7th grade?!?!" He asks.

"I didn't really talk to you then" I try to defend.

"Suuuure, while we're confessing, Rylan used to have a cruch on you" He says smiling to himself.

"No fucking shit, his sister was in my class, how long ago was this" I laugh out.

"No comment" he says standing up.

"Wait now, you cant just leave me hanging" I say standing up.

"Honestly I dont remember, but he doesn't anymore I think" He clarifies walking to his car.

"Do you guys not talk, and where are you going" I say following him.

"Nah, we dont, and Trin texted me, we're too loud" he says as we get in the car.

"Makes sence, where too?" I ask buckling my seatbelt.

"Walmart, obviously" He says pulling out of the drive way.

"Oh my god, not again" I say laughing.

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