Daughter of Springtrap 9

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🔪Chapter 9🔪
I was in the abandoned park back in Suna, Sand Village. "Puppet." I called out. He appeared in front of me. "Any updates?" I asked him. "Sam is dead." Puppet said. "Can I summon dad here?" I asked him. "Yes. He can go into water or get wet & be just fine." Puppet said. "Daddy." I said as I saw those familiar rabbit feet. "Heller. I miss you." Daddy said as I stood up. I was in shock that I didn't see Gaara & his siblings near by watching. "Daddy? Is it really you?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes mini killer its me." Dad said. I lifted his head exposing his skull. I rubbed his skull as I hugged him tight. Dad put the rabbit head back over his skull. "I miss you. I wanna go home & kill with you, like the old days!" I said upset. "Heller you are able to. You have another universe you can visit at any time." Dad told me as I looked up at him. "I love you daddy." I told him still hugging him. "Heller you going home?" Gaara asked sad. "Yes. I miss killing & I miss my dad. But that doesn't mean I won't visit you." I told Gaara as I kissed his cheek. "See you again Gaara-sama." I told him as I turned to grab dad's opened hand. "Heller wait. Take this. Its a small gourd of my sand. & this." Gaara said handing me the gourd necklace & Suna headband. "You are officially part of my village & when you come back you still have your job." Gaara told me. "Thank you Gaara." I told him as I grabbed my dad's hand. Puppet teleported us back to the pizzeria. I walked around the place happy to be back. Dad followed me around as we went to our room. "Where's Mike?" I asked dad. "At home." Dad told me. I teleported behind Mike as he sat on the couch with his head in his hands. "Mike." I said as he jumped up turning to face me. "Heller?" Mike asked in shock. "I'm back." I told him. Mike jumped over the couch & hugged me. "What did I miss?" I asked. "We managed to keep your absence a secret from the authorities." Mike said. "Good." I said as he let me go. "Got any pizza?" I asked him. "Of course!" Mike said going to the kitchen. I sat on the couch holding the headband Gaara gave me. "Did that come from the universe you were in?" Mike asked as he handed me the plate of pizza. I set the headband down taking the plate. "Yea. The small sand gourd too. Gaara is the leader of his village." I told him. I filled Mike in on what happened while I was there. "Well now you got 2 jobs." Mike said side hugging me. "Yea." I said as I ate the food hungry. "I'm gunna shower & lay down. I'm tired." I told Mike. "You gunna sleep in your bed or with Springtrap?" Mike asked. "With Daddy." I told him. "There's a mattress there with blankets & pillows for you. This way you won't be on the ground if you sleep there. Its in the room you & dad died in." Mike told me. I nodded as I went upstairs to my bedroom. I grabbed some pjs & went to my bathroom. Once I was dressed I teleported in our room as I saw the mattress like Mike said. I laid on the mattress almost asleep when I heard feet walk over. I thought it was a trespasser but saw it was dad. He covered me up as he sat next to the mattress. I held his robotic hand as I fell asleep exhausted. Dad watched me sleep for a bit before shutting off himself.

I woke up the next day seeing dad was shut off. I rubbed his broken ear as I teleported home & changed. I put the headband on & teleported behind Gaara in his office. I flicked his head lightly as I vanished when he turned around. Once he turned back he jumped a little seeing me sitting on the edge of desk. "Hello Gaara." I said smirking. "Hi Heller. How are you?" Gaara asked calmed down. "I'm good. I slept with my dad last night. I do have a question for you." I told him. "What's up?" Gaara asked. "Is there an abandoned building around here? One me & animatronic friends can hang out in?" I asked him standing up. "Yes there is. I will take you there when I'm done." Gaara said as the door opened. "Who are you?!" Mesa asked. "Your worst nightmare if you throw that kuni at me." I told her coldly with my back still facing her. She threw it anyway as I shifted into Wolfie deflecting it with ease. I stalked towards her as she screamed running out. Others around gasped at my form as I growled at Mesa as she was cornered. Gaara appeared in front of me in a swirl of sand. "Heller, I know you hate her but you can't kill her. I will punish her for her acts." Gaara said standing in front of me as everyone watched. "What punishment would that be?" I asked him. She gets suspended for a week with no pay." Gaara said. "A month with no pay & she caters to both our needs during that time." I told him. "Deal. Mesa go home. Come back tomorrow at your normal time." Gaara told her as she ran off scared. I picked Gaara up as I set him on my animatronic shoulder making sure he didn't fall off. I walked back to his office. "Why don't we get lunch?" Gaara asked. I walked out the building as people stopped to stare. "Ready?" I asked him as he nodded. He landed on the ground as I shifted human. We both walked to a restaurant we chose. We sat in a booth as a girl came over glaring at me. "Keep glaring at me & I'll claw your eyes out." I told her coldly. She got scared as she asked what we wanted. "Sweet tea & chicken ramen." I told her with a cold look. "Make that 2." Gaara said a she rushed off to put our order in. I laughed darkly at her fear. "Never gets old seeing fear in others. Always fun." I said crossing my arms. "Has Edward tried to contact you?" Gaara asked. "No I blocked his number. I only talk to the rest of his family. He will always be haunted by the memory of me killing Lilly in front of him. Thats punishment enough for me." I told Gaara as our food came. We ate in silence as the girl dropped the check on the table. Gaara paid for our meals as we left. "Can you show me the building?" I asked him. He nodded as we walked a little ways out of the center of the village. There stood a old greying building. We walked inside as Gaara turned the light on. "This is a perfect place for the deaths!" I told him looking around. "Plus my other friends can help too, have their fill of killing." I told Gaara. "One inmate dies tomorrow. We will bring him here at 1pm. The front door will guarded & I will be here as well." Gaara said as we left. He gave me the key as I put it on the necklace. I hung out with Gaara in his office until I decided to sleep in my room at his place.

I woke up at 11am as I changed. I sat around in the living room bored. Gaara's 2 siblings came down seeing me. "I'm Temari. Thats Kankuro." Temari said. "Heller Grave Afton or Wolfie." I told them thinking of ways to kill the inmate. It was close to 1pm as I went to the building unlocking it. I summoned the nightmare animatronics as I told them what's going on. They got excited as we waited. They hid in the darkness around the building as I stood in the middle with my arms crossed. I shifted into my nightmare form of Wolfie as I hid in the darkness with only my red robotic eyes glowing. Gaara brought the guy inside & stood in front of the door to block it with his arms crossed. He saw my red glowing eyes as he nodded at me to start. I growled to single to the others that the killing can begin. I decided to sing a song with them to raise the fear of our victim. We sang Be Very Afraid:

"I am the monster lurking
I am the fallen one
Find me inside the darkness
I'll show you what I've become
I see the fear inside of you
When your hope is weak
Time to restore the balance
'Cause revenge is sweet

Be very afraid

'Fraid, you're my holy nightmare
Die! They can't hold me back
I, made me broken to the core
But my anger's in tact
You can't be me and I can't be you
Just take one look and you'll know it's true
A dreadful night, let my soul consume
So everybody, everybody in the room

Be very afraid
Be very afraid

I'm a combat ghost!
Destroyed at all!
You can't be me and I can't be you
Just take one look and you'll know it's true
A dreadful night, let my soul consume
So everybody, everybody in the room
You can't be me and I can't be you
Just take one look and you'll know it's true
A dreadful night, let my soul consume
So everybody, everybody in the room
(Snap, snap)

Be very afraid
Be very afraid
(Be very afraid)
Be very afraid
(Evil laughing)
Be very afraid
(More evil laughing)
Be very afraid
(Evil laughing)." As we were finishing the song, we had the guy trapped in a circle around me & the other nightmare animatronics. I picked him up & tossed him to Nightmare Bonnie as he laughed tossing him to Nightmare Chica. This went around until he was back in my claws. I tossed him in the air & bit into his left arm & chest as his bones shattered under my bite force. He screamed loudly in pain & fear as Nightmare Foxy came over biting down on the guys right arm as those bones shattered under his bite force. Nightmare Bonnie & Nightmare Chica shattered bones in both his legs. Nightmare Freddy switched places with me & bit the guys left arm again as more bones shattered. I stood in front of his head as he looked up at me dying. I howled showing my skull under the wolf mask as he screamed terrified. I bit into his head hearing his skull shatter as blood & brains flew. We all dropped the body as we backed up watching him. Once we were sure he was dead they walked off into the darkness deciding to stay in the building instead having to be summoned every time. I backed up as Gaara called the crew to get rid of the body. They were weary of me as I stood there watching them covered in blood. "You 2 hurry up." Gaara told them. They grabbed the body putting it in body bag & rushed out. I walked to Gaara as I shifted into my human form. "Brutal as ever." Gaara said. "I need to warn you. My nightmare friends are living in the building. If anyone goes in there day or night they won't leave alive. Can you live with that?" I asked him as they came into view watching Gaara. "Yes I can. You forget I was a killer once too. This building is yours Heller. Whoever enters here will meet their fate." Gaara said as I left with him locking the door. We went to his office as I sat on his couch while he sat at the desk. "Lord Gaara are you ok? I heard screams. Well the whole village did!" Mesa said rushing in. "I'm fine. Just an execution was all." Gaara said. "Hey Mesa go get me a sweet tea. If you tamper with it Wolfie will enjoy eating you alive & using your bones as a chew toy." I told her cold & emotionless. "I'm fine." Gaara said not looking up. Mesa left to get my drink. She didnt tamper with it as I had Gaara check. No he didn't drink any. After a few hours I went back to Mike's house in my bedroom falling asleep.

TryHardNinja- Be Very Afraid

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