Not worth my breath

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Bakugo P.O.V
I hate people they always think they can help me in some way either it be a helpful hand or just be there because they think I need "company".

I hate people who think I need someone to be there for me. I'm perfectly fucking fine being on my own.
What's so sad about being alone? It's better than fucking throwing a pity party because some bitch broke your trust.

Yet, Kirishima is not someone I trust but he passes the time.
Yet, that woman who touched me passed the time in a way I would rather forget but that would be to easy. This is so fucking stupid.

"Ss-stop" the words leave my mouth before I can think. I'm use to Kirishima resting his arms around my shoulder but cuddling? It's totally fucking different and I hate it. I fucking hate him.

"Oh I'm so sorry suki" Kirishima says as he gives me a tiny bit of space....barely and what makes him think he can give me a nickname. We aren't friends he just passes the time.

"It's fucking fine or whatever tch" that's what I respond, he isn't worth my breath.

"Hey suki I was wondering can we try something, it's doesn't have to be nn-now I was just wondering maybe u could tell me what makes you know when I touch you o-rr if u don't know we could try a-aand if it's making u even more uncomfortable we can stop BUT I-TT-S YOUR CALL...of course you know man.

"Mmhmm idk" that's all I could say....he isn't worth my breath....

"Hey it's fine whatever u wanna do I'll wait you don't have to do it either it just hurts seeing you uncomfortable when I touch... you know you b-bbut I will understand if u don't want to do it but I at least want u to know I thank u for letting me know when you are uncomfortable...ok I want you to know... your doing great Katsuki".

"Yeah whatever" thats all I respond with, he isn't worth my breath.

"...thanks..." why did I thank him. It's a waste...he isn't worth my breath.

"Of course explosion boy!"

"Don't call me that" that's what I say considering he is a fucking idiot. He isn't my friend. He should be glad I let him call me Suki...fucking sounds childish.

"Hehhee" Kirishima laughs as he cuddles more towards me.

And I'm not uncomfortable

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