What it's worth

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This chapter contains mental abuse within parenting. It was also be inspired by rapunzel considering I re-watched it recently. I hope you enjoy it, love you boys, girls, and non-binary pals. 💝

Bakugo P.O.V

"Hello, my dear" is what you say to me when the morning comes. To which the ending of my day is when you say "goodnight sunshine" but it never occurs to me of what those met until I thought of the reason you called me sunshine at midnight and dear at day. As to why I thought you were telling the sunshine to sleep and your dearest to awaken. As a child, I thought it was a fetal little thing. Something to make me have reassurance within the household you made me live in since I was birthed to this world given to me.

Yet, now I have come to the conclusion that it was something to make me have remembrance When you respond "I love you very much, dear" which follows my response of "I love you more". Even when you mention the given nickname "sunshine" as you tell me "The world is dark, and selfish, and cruel. If it finds even the slightest ray of sunshine, it destroys it". In addition to me acknowledging your words in return, you give me satisfaction within the shelter you provide towards me. All the things you have done for me are unbelievable which is why I willingly held her tight when the light wasn't shining as bright within eyesight. I helped her when she needed my height or needed me to incite within the house no matter at night or during daylight. Though the most important thing of all of which I would do for her even if my body is buried when reuniting with the grim. I shall protect her with my life because she is a part of me through my personality as well as from my looks up and down to my head and toes, my mother.

My mother, the same person who gave birth to me to show my worth on this earth. The same person who gave the time out of her day to do research for me to get a better understanding of my homework. The same person who occurred in my presents when needing to show concern when lacking my admiration of surviving. When she observed my every move she didn't recognize she knew I was hurt. She would try so much to make me feel loved by her if no one else and even goes as far as giving me dessert. In return, I would hug her and confirm I am alright when I am with her. I would earn her smile and that would be enough to know we did both of us a favor. Just knowing that we are happy and only happy is enough for us to prefer being here with just the two of us. We will not let sorrow emerge as well as the things to cause it. That is why we affirm that it is better to stay home rather than the people that conquer the outside world while we conquer the delight embrace through my loved one I call mom.

I am so thankful knowing my mother has done so much for me even though I can barely do her any good. This is why I will focus on my education and get the grades I need to suffice in life. I will push all the other kids away when they have a foolish dream that is concluded in the style we live in today. I will show people the reality of the world I was birthed in to help people as I help my mother like she has helped me through the years to come. I will give everyone the love of realization as my mother has done for me. I will show people how someone like me take look into consideration. To show this generation that your appearance matters such as my mother helping me gain the resemblance of an acceptable teenager.

As my mother helps me with my hair to dye it blonde when even a hint of brown is shown because as she says "Than I couldn't call you my sunshine and that would make me sad sunflower and you wouldn't want that would you", as I will return with the following answer of "No mother your happiness is what matters". Though it makes me upset my recommendation would cause her to have sorrow within her gleeful heart. Yet, my mother being the best she is, she sees the sadness within my eyes as I hate to not only upset her but to smell the chemicals for the millionth time. She stops and I turn to see the tears ready to escape as she starts to say

"Oh, great, now I'm the bad guy-".

That's when I interrupt with the glee of accusations "NO MOTHER ITS NOT LIKE THAT PLEA-" to which I get interrupted in return "DON'T YOU DARE YELL IN THIS HOUSE".

Resulting in everything seeming to stop, as it is silent, it seems to be so violent.

Though mother knows best to continue with her statement of my rude gesture to yell in the house we call life. "You can scream all you want with those children because you have to teach them a lesson as I have said right?"

I give a nod.

"But that doesn't mean you can yell in this house do you understand?"

I respond as ordered "....Yes mother..."

Everything returns to the pure utter violent awakening of nothing but.....silence.

"Oh my dear I'm sorry but this is why we don't get upset and sad you understand?" she says and I respond " Yes mother I understand I'm sorry for getting upset I shouldn't be sad when you give me everything as is".

My apology in the making causes the return of her embrace and that is all worth it in the end. 

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