Wow That's... Wow. I Have No Life.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, sure."

Smiling, he walked over to the cauldrons while I went over to Snape. Who was handing out trays that held the ingredients ever so happily.

His eyes narrowed at me before he shoved the tray into my hands.

I gave him a sickly sweet smile before taking an exaggerated breath and heading back to my seat. Fred was carefully placing the water-filled cauldron on top of a stand that held it above a burning flame when I returned with the ingredients. 

"Incendio," I chanted, pointing my wand below the cauldron.

Sparks flew out of the end of my wand and a fire started below the cauldron.

After glancing at the board, I turned to page 10 in my Advanced Potion-Making textbook.

I actually wasn't too bad at potions. It's pretty simple when you think of it. Follow the steps and then there's your potion. The only thing that makes this class difficult are the thirty-page essays due the next time you have class.

"So what's first?" Fred asked.

"Uh, we have to add three spoonfuls of Infusion of Wormwood," I said.

"Simple enough," Fred said taking the Wormwood and pouring it into a spoon once before dumping it in the cauldron. He did this two more times before I cut in.

"Two pinches of asphodel powder," I mumbled to myself as I did it.

I felt a pair of eyes on me and a blush crept onto my cheeks. 

Turning my head, I made eye contact with Fred. "Do you need something, ginger?"

He smirked and shook his head, his long hair falling into his face. "No, I don't need anything."

"Then quit staring at me and help."

"Two things," he said with a chuckle. "I wasn't staring, I was admiring your concentration. And two, I am helping. Don't sound like Hermione."

"I do not-" I said sternly. But I quickly relaxed my self and chuckled easily, "I do not sound like Hermione."

"Yeah, you do," Fred laughed. "You're even starting to look like her. Your hair is starting to frizz."

My eyes widened as I felt my hair which was indeed starting to frizz from the humidity.

"Oh god," I mumbled, pulling my hair into a bun. "Better?" 

He laughed. "Better."

"Okay, can you stir the potion clockwise two times?" I asked him.

"I sure can," he said taking a wooden spoon and turning the potion clockwise two times.

"Okay, we got to let it sit for twenty minutes," I sighed. "You got a watch?"

"Ha!" Fred laughed. "No."

"Well, your damn lucky I do," I said looking at my watch.

I leaned back in my chair and began to relax. Picking up a pencil, I began to doodle on the edges of my notebook.

"So, how have you been?" Fred asked me a bit awkwardly.

"Fine," I sighed.

"I was just wondering because-" Fred was stopped short by a familiar laughter.

I looked over Fred's shoulder as he turned around. There I saw George and Taylor laughing about something. I smiled at the two of them. Taylor had short, wavy, auburn-blonde hair and green-brown eyes. She had softly freckled that dotted along her small nose. She and George were actually pretty cute with each other.

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