Chapter 9: Gemini

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Liana's at the Daily Planet and sees Chloe get off the phone and says, "Hey, was that Clark?" Chloe says, "No, I've left so many messages

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Liana's at the Daily Planet and sees Chloe get off the phone and says, "Hey, was that Clark?" Chloe says, "No, I've left so many messages." Liana says, "Me too. I hope he's okay." Chloe smiles and hands Liana a package and says, "Happy holidays. I had the print shop compile all my research on LuthorCorp. So, there you go, 101 ways to make Lex squirm." Liana says, "Thanks, Chloe. You're actually my first legitimate source." Chloe smiles. As Liana goes to open her package, she hears a phone ring and opens her desk to see a phone that isn't hers. Liana picks it up and says, "Did anyone lose their phone?" When no one answers her, she answers the phone and says, "Hello?" A male voice says, "You've been ignoring me." Liana says, "Uh, you got the wrong person. It's not my phone." The man says, "I know. But it's not easy getting your attention, Lane. You erased my e-mails. You tossed my letters. I'm trying to help you bring down Lex Luthor." Liana says, "I appreciate that but when it comes to LuthorCorp conspiracies a lot gets tossed in the crazy bin." The man says, "See if this gets me to the top of the pile, Lane. There's a bomb on your cousin." Liana's eyes widen and she looks at Chloe and the male continues to say, "If you try to get help... if you so much as whisper a single word to anyone Chloe dies. Do I have your attention now?" Liana gulps worried about Chloe's safety. As Liana is writing her Lex Luthor story, Liana says, "Slow down, Adrian. I'm not exactly Mozart on the keyboard. I got everything up to you being an escaped clone from LuthorCorp." Adrian says, "With a body aging on overdrive. I'll be dead any day now." Liana says, "Well, you'd you think Lex Luthor would have kinks like that worked out." Adrian says, "I know. It sounds crazy, but you need to believe me." Liana says, "It doesn't matter what I believe. I am printing this to protect my cousin and take it from a fellow Lex-hater The "Planet won't print anything without proof." Adrian says, "Just write the story. In a couple of hours, every newspaper in the country will be begging for it." Adrian hangs up and Liana sighs wondering how she's gonna tell Chloe there's a bomb on her without drawing any attention to Adrian. Liana gets up from her chair and goes to get some air. As she's walking to the elevator, she gets pulled into the storage closet and turns to see Clark and she sighs in relief. Liana gives Clark a big hug and says, "Oh, my God. You've had me so worried. We're you in the fortress this entire time?" Clark pulls away and says, "Time is so different there. I didn't realize how long I was gone for." Liana says, "Did you find Kara?" Clark says, "There was nothing I could do. I think it's time I accept the fact that she's gone and moved on." Liana softly says, "It's kind of a tall order these days." Clark says, "Well, I'm back, and you're here. That's what matters now." Liana softly smiles and softly kisses Clark and 'Clark' kisses Liana back. What Liana doesn't know is that the real Clark is still the fortress and that the Clark she's kissing is Bizarro-Clark. Liana pulls away to softly smile at Clark and says, "I have to get back to work, but I'll see you at home." Clark smiles and nods. Liana walks out the storage closet and goes back to her desk. Liana's dotting a package that says, "Bomb on you", For Chloe to see. A lady rolls a cart with mail in it and says, "Any outgoing?" Liana gives her the package faced down and says, "Yeah. Right here." Liana follows the woman with her eyes and sees Chloe getting ready to leave and then sees the lady finally give the package to Chloe and sighs and says, "Finally." Later, Liana finally finishes writing the article about Lex and sees the elevator out of service and knows that Chloe's in there. Liana walks to the elevator and hears a voice say, "I have to say much cuter in person." Liana turns around and sees an old man and says, "Adrian?" Adrian says, " Draw attention to yourself and I'll decorate that elevator with your cousin. Where's my story?" Liana hands Adrian the story and he reads it and Liana says, "It's all in there. LuthorCorp's first functioning clone. Something tells me you wouldn't go this far if it weren't the truth." Adrian looks at himself in the window reflection and says, "My body won't hold out much longer. I'll be dead by Christmas. Celebrate Christmas, Lane?" Liana says, "Yeah." Adrian says, "We use to send out the Christmas portrait every year. Me in an ugly sweater. Mom with her fake smile. And dad... missing his football game." Liana says, "Then you must know how it feels when one of them is in danger." Adrian softly scoffs and says, "You'd think. After I escaped from LuthorCorp, I went looking for them. My parents, my Christmas memories... It's all a fiction. Some scientist downloaded into my brain. Yet, I remember them like they're real." Liana says, "And come tomorrow morning's early edition the world will know what Lex did to you. Now please, let my cousin go. Now the deal was, I write the story you give me Chloe." Adrian says, "Not-not quite. You to force Lex to confess what he's done. Don't make me remind you what's at stake." Adrian walks away and Liana sighs biting her lip. A few moments later, Liana's wearing a mistletoe with a camera inside and an earpiece. Adrian speaks through the earpiece and says, "Smile at the nice people." Liana fakes smiles and Adrian continues to say, "See? No one suspects a thing. You have your bag?" Liana holds up her bag in front of the camera and Adrian continues to say, "My finger is on the detonator. No confession, your cousin dies. Try to warn them, your cousin dies. Let's go see the boss." Liana walks into Grants office and Grant says, "Here she is. Right on time. Mr. Luthor, you know Liana Lane." Lex says, "Yes. I most certainly do. Haven't seen Miss Lane, since she came to see me at the mansion to discuss if I'm pressing charges on her sister." Liana awkwardly smiles and says, "Yeah. Shall we?" Lex says, "Please." Liana sits down and Adrian says, "Ask him about Project Gemini. Mr. Luthor, perhaps we could start by discussing Project Gemini." Lex says, "Excuse me?" Liana says, "My sources tell me that you run some kind of an ant farm. Except instead of ants, it's humans and instead of a farm, it's a lab." Grant says, "Liana!" Lex says, "Not that you're re renowned for your eloquence, Liana but, uh... I have no idea of what you're talking about." Liana says, "Human cloning. The replication of a DNA sequence produced from a single identical ancestor." Lex says, "My mistake. I didn't realize you'd be pitching me a Hollywood movie. Is this how you run your paper, Mr. Gabriel?" As Lex starts leaving. Adrian says, "Tell him who he's talking to." Liana stands up and says, "Adrian says his best." Lex stops and turns to Liana and says, "Should that name mean something?" Adrian says, "Now reach in your briefcase." Liana reaches into the briefcase and softly gasps when she sees a gun. Liana says, "Oh, my God!" Adrian says, "Aim it at Grant and get the truth." Liana aims the gun at Grant and says, "It's time for the truth, Lex. Lie again... Grant Grabriel dies." Lex says, "Liana, put down the gun." Liana says, "Just answer the question." Grant says, "Lane, what the hell are you doing?" Liana says, "Getting the truth. Lex, there's no time. Why does Adrian have a memory for a life that doesn't exist?" Lex says, "I don't know who Adrian is." Liana says, "Well, I wrote his story. He grew up outside Philly played point guard for Homestead High. Got his first job on the obituary beat at the "Liberty Times". That's where he first got noticed as the editor in Alaska. First sport..." Lex then knocks Liana out. As Liana was stalling, she sent an already typed text to Clark about there being a bomb on Chloe. A few moments later, Liana wakes up with a groan. Lex holds his hand out to help her up and she takes it. Liana says, "I need to make sure Chloe's okay." Lex says, "She's fine. Security just pulled her from the elevator. Unfortunately, your puppeteer, Adrian, managed to escape." Liana says, "What about Grant?" Lex says, "He went to find you a medic." Liana says, "Wish I could say the same thing about your career. After the little ditty Adrian inspired, I'm exposing your morbid science fair to the world." As Liana goes to walk away, Lex says, "Really? With what evidence? The world of some Belle Reve runaway? Look, not that it matters but you're no longer writing my expose." Liana says, "You can't do that." Lex says, "I can because I'm your boss. Merry Christmas, Liana. I just bought the 'Daily Planet'." Liana's shocked and can't believe this. Later, Liana walks into the Kent house with a glum expression and Clark sees her and says, "Hey, what's wrong?" Liana sighs and says, "I've just had the worst day ever. Thanks for coming in time to save Chloe." Clark nods and says, "You're welcome." Liana tells Clark what happened, and Clark says, "What didn't you tell me earlier that you were in trouble?" Liana says, "I couldn't risk Chloe's life for mine." Clark softly smiles and places his hand on her face and softly says, "I love how selfless you're to protect the people you love." Liana softly smiles and kisses Clark.

Life In Smallville {7}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora