Suddenly an idea occurred to her, and she took his hand before leading him out of the room. Baffled, Landon followed after her curiously, not removing his hand from hers. It was clear from the look in her eyes that she had an idea, but he wondered what it had to do with he family since that was the topic of discussion. He followed her up the staircase and down the hall.

Hope reached her bedroom and opened it before walking inside. Landon blinked in surprise as he realized she had brought him to her bedroom. He had never seen it before. The tribrid took a seat at her desk and pulled out her sketchbook from the drawer along with some thin tipped markers. She had a little art supplies in her bedroom for if she wanted to sketch rather than paint. She had a spot to do that in her art studio as well but sometimes she preferred her bedroom.

"What are you doing?" Landon asked curiously, watching her open up her case.

"Making a family tree that will help provide a visual. Hopefully I can make it work on this"

She picked up a pencil and started a sketch of the family tree, writing each name in the proper location, including who was in a relationship with who. Landon waited patiently and looked around the room, spotting photographs on her dresser. He walked over to the dresser and looked at the photograph that seemed to contain a group of people and a young girl around the age of seven or eight. Landon realized it must be younger Hope with her family. He observed the faces in the photograph for a few moments before making his way back over to the girl he had feelings for, standing behind her as she worked on the family tree, now adding colors to help explain things

"Here. The pen colors connect the types of relationships, and the markers are the type of species. See, mine here at the bottom is red, blue, and green since I am part witch, part, werewolf, and part vampire. Though my vampire side isn't activated yet. If I die, I'll come back with it active." Hope explained. "Theoretically I mean. I'm the only one of my kind but that should be how it works, considering dying is part of the vampire process"

"You would have to die to become what you were born to be?" Landon questioned, his eyes widening a little. 

Hope looked down a little and nodded, thinking. Part of her was scared of what she would become the day that came. She would become the most powerful creature, and what if vampirism turned her more into her father? She loved her father, and there were wonderful things about him. But she didn't want to kill people. 

She cleared her throat. "So, Freya is a witch and Keelin is a werewolf. We keep her contained on a full moon so no one gets hurt" 

"Is it likely for someone to get hurt?" 

"If the wolf isn't restrained in a full moon or free out where no one is around, then yes. I have more control than other wolves do, and some wolves gain more control over time. But it can be dangerous if it is a young werewolf especially. One that recently triggered their curse." Even though Landon had questions on his mind, he didn't ask it, wanting her to choose what to tell him without pressuring her. However, Hope noticed the unspoken question and replied "There is a curse. Werewolves can't shift unless it is triggered. Unless they take a life, whether by accident or intentionally."

"So... your dad's adoptive son is married to your Aunt Rebekah?" Landon questioned after a few moments of examining the tree

"It's better not to think about it" Hope said with a soft chuckle before standing up. She walked over to her bed and took a seat. Landon hesitated before sitting beside her, looking at her. "My aunts and uncles, the ones biologically related to me, are a thousand years old. Even Aunt Freya, though no witches are not immortal. Her past is complicated."

"You said you hadn't activated your vampire side yet. So how old are you?"

"Seventeen" Hope replied. "It's admittedly a bit weird having a family that is a thousand years older than you are."

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