Contagious Chemistry

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I laughed nervously. He didn't have to tell me twice. We all knew this was going to be a rowdy one, but no one else knew how much I was internally dreading it. 

"Who are you talking to?!" A guy jumped on Mitch's back and another came up alongside him.

"About time you get here!" Mitch greeted the both of them. "This is an old friend of mine." He directed toward me.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ada. Of Mice & Men's TM." I stuck my hand out to shake.
"Andrew. Guitarist." He informed me while shaking my hand. "How come they get a hot TM and we get this guy?" He elbowed Mitch in the ribs.
"Shut up. I'm the hottest TM around." Mitch jested back.
"Austin. I play the drums." The second guy shook my hand, putting the greetings back on track.
"Austin? Really? So we have two of them, huh?" I said, cocking my head to the side.

"Speaking of which, where is he?" Andrew asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "Not sure."

"Ada! It's the first day and you don't know where your band is?" Mitch teased.

"Shut up Mitch!" I shoved him. "Look. There they are now!" I pointed toward a car turning into the parking lot.

I was relieved that they arrived on time, but I also got a sinking feeling upon seeing Austin exit the vehicle. Andrew and the other Austin walked over to greet them. Mitch and I talked a little more about touring plans and then parted ways to our separate buses. I got on the bus to see Austin moving my stuff to a different bunk.

"What are you doing?" I asked, becoming possessive of my belongings.
"You..." He turned to look at me and then patted a top bunk. "...get a top bunk."
"Really, Austin?" I squinted at him, knowing this was some type of game to him.
"Really, Ada." He gave me a half shrug.

I should've guessed he was going to be this childish. "Fine, as long as I don't have to sleep next to you," I spoke under my breath.

"Aw, come on now, Ada. That's not very professional of you." He said mocking my so-called philosophy of remaining professional that seemed to be disintegrating by the second. "And you have nothing to worry about, you'll be right above me." He said, tapping my nose with his finger before hopping into his bunk with a sly smirk on his face.

It took everything in me not to reply with a snarky remark. He was right, I wasn't acting professional, and it was entirely because of him. How could I let him have that type of control over me? I had never let anyone else have any affect on the way that I composed myself, I wouldn't let Austin be the first. I knew who I was, Austin couldn't change that.

"Ada!" I heard Alan enter the bus.

"Hey, Alan." I greeted him as he enveloped me in a hug.

Alan and I had done a lot of talking since my tiny, little debacle with Austin. Of course, I hadn't mentioned it, so unless Austin said something, he was in the dark. If he had, he didn't treat me like anything poor had been said. In fact, he had become very friendly.

The rest of the guys filed into the bus, I greeted them all, and let them get settled into their new home for the next couple of months before I started going over our schedule.

"Alright, we'll be leaving for Seattle shortly so I hope you guys are prepared. Tomorrow is the first day of the tour. You'll be playing El Corazon, but before that, you have a signing at Tilly's at the Tacoma Mall from noon until 2." I looked at them and they all nodded in understanding and agreement. Except for Austin, Austin had made it apparent that he was not going to play nice.

"I expect you guys to be on time for the signing, on time for sound check, and on time for the concert. Just be on time. Because if you're not, I will leave you behind. If you don't think I'll make good on that threat, just ask Ben Bruce."

Repeating Apologies [An Austin Carlile Story]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu