Chapter Four

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No One's POV

Camilo dragged Y/N to the food counter with a mischievous look on his face, "Watch me be able to get seconds." he whispered, transforming into Dolores. Y/N rolled her eyes walking to the food counter, and grabbing a plate. Camilo, or should it be Dolores, walked out, looking around for anyone. "Delores, hey." a voice popped up, "You know out of all my older cousins, you're like my favorite cousin, so I feel like I could talk to you about anything, ergo you could talk to me about anything. Like the problem with the magic last night, that no one seemed to worry about, but maybe you heard about that maybe I should know about." Mirabel said, not taking a breath between sentences.

"Do you breathe?" Y/N asked piling more arepas onto her and Camilo's plates. "Camilo, stop pretending you're Dolores so you can have seconds." Tío Félix butted in, coming out of nowhere. Camilo shapeshifted back into himself as Y/N smirked at him, "No seconds for you." she taunted. "Worth a shot." The casita then smacked his arm causing him to yelp and jump, smiling when he didn't drop any food. The casita smacked him again causing him to leave and walk to the table, Y/N snickered as she followed.

"The only one who's worried about the magic is you and the rats talking in the walls." Dolores said in her usual hushed voice, "Oh, and Luisa, I heard her eye twitching all night." she added, squeaking before walking away. "Everyone to the table! Let's go! Let's go!" Everyone grabbed chairs and sat down, Mirabel cutting in front of Pepa causing a storm cloud to form above her head. Fèlix calmed his wife as he handed her a glass of orange juice as Camilo and Y/N goofed off before Abuela walked over to the end of the table, getting everyone's attention.

"We are all thankful for Antonio's new gift." The elder woman went to sit down but grunted as she felt something in her seat. A bunch of animals popped their heads up before hurrying off. "I told them to warm up your seat." Abuela slightly smiled, "Oh, thank you, Toñito. I'm sure today we'll find a way to put your blessing to good use." Mirabel took this chance to talk to Luisa, and try to get information, "Luisa, Dolores says you're totally freaking out. Any chance you may know something about last night with the magic." Luisa stopped chewing as her eye twitched, causing Mirabel to gasp and yell, "You do!"

"Mirabel!" Abuela yelled, "If you can't pay attention, I will help you. Casita." The casita quickly moved Mirabel to the other end of the table, near Abuela. "As I was saying, we must never take our miracle for granted, so today we will work twice as hard." Abuel told the family, "Yes! I will help Luisa." Mirabel went to leave but the casita pulled her back to the table. "First, an announcement. I've spoken to the Guzmáns, about Mariano's proposal to Isabela." Abuela walked around the table to Isabela as she spoke, "Dolores, do we have a date?"

"Tonight. He wants five babies." Isabela's eyes widened as flowers popped up in her hair. "Wonderful! Such a fine young man with our perfect Isabela will bring us a new generation of magical blessings, and make both our families stronger." Camilo quickly glanced at Y/N sitting next to him as she ate quietly before shapeshifting into Mariano, making kissing faces at Isabela. Isabela then threw flowers at his face, making him transform back and spit the flowers out of his mouth. Y/N giggled before taking another bite out of her food.

"Okay. Our community is counting on us. La familia Madrigal!" Abuela finished saying as she walked back, "La familia Madrigal!" the family echoed as everyone got up. Mirabel went to talk to Luisa but realized she wasn't there. She looked around before spotting her walking away from the group. Y/N walked up to Mirabel before she left, "Hey, what are you looking at?"

"No time to explain, come on." Mirabel responded, dragging the girl with her. "Luisa, can you reroute the river?" Señora Ozma asked as Luisa set down the church she previously picked up. "Will do." As Luisa walked another person asked her to get the donkeys that got out. "Luisa, wait! Wait a second!" Mirabel yelled as she fell, Y/N following closely behind. "You gotta tell me about the magic. What's going on? What are you hiding?" Mirabel asked catching up to the girl with donkeys on her back. "Nothing. Just got a lot of chores, so maybe you should go home, and Y/N has chores she needs to do, also."

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