|| Heart of Darkness

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"Well, that's gonna be disappointing for them."

"I'll get it out of Alaric. I just need some time."

"I like that confidence, Stefan. I don't share it, but I like it." as Stefan said "You don't think I can do what it takes."

"Well, you're good Stefan again. You're in control. Sorry, you might get the girl but you lose the edge. Speaking of..." as Elena and Skylar walked into the room.

Skylar hair was curled. "Have you ever flown first class?"

"Who did you have to compel for that?"

"Pft, please. I use miles." as Skylar said "Of course you do, have fun with that for a couple of hours." as Elena chuckled at Skylar.

Damon picked up the luggage and walked out the door. Elena looks at Stefan.

"Stefan..." "Be safe." he told her simply. Skylar grunted she hated seeing Stefan upset.

Elena stared at him for a moment, and then walked out the door.


Caroline walked into the cafeteria and looked around. People are decorating for the "Roaring 20s" decade dance. Caroline saw Matt and walks over to him.

"What is this?"

"It's the decade dance. Remember, you made us sign up to help?" as Caroline "No." as Caroline picked up a boa and said "This. The 20s. We're doing the 70s."

"Too flashy, people. It's supposed to be speakeasy, not the World Fair." Rebekah said as Kassandra said "I agree sister."

Rebekah and Kassandra saw Caroline and walked up to her.

"Ah, good, you're here. I need help setting up the tables so, get to it." as Caroline asked "What do you think you're doing?" as Rebekah said "Somebody has to be in charge."

"And my sister is a good choice."

"Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the Dance Committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s."

"So, you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair than be a classic flapper from the jazz age? Honestly, I don't know what my brother sees in you." as Caroline said "Maybe he sees a challenge. See, unlike some other people, I don't sleep with everyone I make eye contact with."

"Maybe we can do both decades?" as Caroline and Rebekah both said "No."

"Go on, Matt, don't be a coward. You know you loved my 20s idea when I presented it to the group." as Caroline turned to look at Matt.

"Traitor!" as Matt told her "Bell bottoms and disco? I don't know, this just seemed cooler."

"See? It's just cooler." as Kassandra said "Ugh sweet rainbow Jesus. I need to go, Teen Drama make me gag. Have a wonderful dance sister and remember hurt anyone who mess with you or just call me and I'll rip them to shreds." as Kassandra smirked before kissing Rebekah's cheek and walking off.

"What exactly are your plans for this trip sister ?" Rebekah asked before Kassandra told her "I need to go learn more about myself and to do that I need help. I'll be back in the morning though."

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