16. Weed Cupcakes and Cheaters🧁

Start from the beginning

They rode in silence. August tried to talk to lighten the mood, offering to change the radio or adjust the heater. Casey cared about none of that. All he could think about was how many times his dad must've cheated on his mom.

"You just want me to take you home?" August asked.

"No, not yet." Casey gazed out his window, watching the town bypass him in a blur of hazy colors. "I'm sorry, I just don't want Wyatt seeing me like this. I don't want to explain to him what happened. Audrey's still watching him and Lani will be there too. I'll message them so they know I won't be home for a bit."

"Nah, that's fine. Where do you wanna go?" August asked.

"Anywhere to clear my head," Casey replied.

"We can just drive around I guess?" August suggested. "That okay?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Casey kept his gaze focused out the window, struggling to come to terms with everything he'd learned. "That woman... Do you think she killed my mom?"

"I don't know." August shrugged. "It's possible. Have you seen her around the bakery lately? Aside from today."

"No, I don't think so. We get all kinds of people coming into the bakery, so I can't say for sure," Casey replied.

As his phone vibrated in his lap, Casey quickly checked it. Just a few messages from Lani, assuring him they could take care of Wyatt until he got back. He had two missed calls from his dad too, but he ignored them. Casey knew it had been a shitty thing to do, but he couldn't stay there with Fredia around.

All those nosy customers glares and whispers still sent shivers down his spine. He couldn't even imagine being around his dad right now either. Not after learning about his infidelity. Casey wasn't sure what hateful words he might shout at him. Their mom was just buried, yet he had the audacity to speak to another woman then lie to them.

"How long do you think he's been seeing her?" August asked.

Casey shrugged. "I don't know. Probably in the recent week or two. That's when they started messaging each other."

At the stoplight, August reached over to check his phone. He sent a brisk message back before tossing it back in the cup holder, groaning. "You mind if we make a quick stop?"

"I don't mind. Where to?" Casey asked.

"Our hideout," August replied. "You can stay in the car. Just a little business I gotta handle. You don't need to worry."

Casey leaned against the window, propping one elbow up to elevate his head. Familiar houses passed by as they entered Viper Valley. While it was a rough patch in New Syracuse, it was better than the horrendous streets in Hell's Hollow, where the Voiceless Rebels claimed their turf.

Many yards had chain-length fences girdling them with guard dogs or people on the inside sat with their guns loaded, prepared to defend their property against any trespassers. Casey had been on the perilous street many times before to bring Veronica home when she took too much oxy or heroin.

Even their old hideout; a tumbledown warehouse with artistic doodles spray painted all over it, hadn't changed a bit. Most of them were throw-up tags made by the gang members and others they'd painted of the members who they'd lost. Whether it be shot down by their rivals or tossed in prison for life.

A familiar portrait stuck out to Casey amid all the vandalism that decorated the warehouse. Purple pigtails and a sad smile painted the side of the building. Veronica's best friend, Samantha. Those god-forsaken Voiceless Rebels killed her in cold-blood.

Casey knew how difficult it was for women in their gangs, which was why he'd tried so hard to get Veronica out. Casey didn't want to wake up one day and see them broadcasting her dead body on the news. If only he'd sought outside help back then, maybe things wouldn't have turned out the way they did.

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