Daughter of Springtrap 7

Start from the beginning

I heard the front door shut as Mike knocked on the door. "What she say?" Mike asked. "She questioned the bedroom theme. I told her I have a gothic mind." I told him. "Well she won't be back until next month. But um you will need to have school. So Esme said when you're here you can do online. When you're there on campus." Mike said. "Thats fine." I told him looking at the black ceiling of bedroom. "Might want to help Dad with this night guard. He's survived 4 nights now." Dad said as I sat up. I shifted forms as I teleported behind dad. I growled at him as he jumped turning around. I laughed pointing a claw at him. "Heller you fucking got me." Dad said realizing it was me. "I had too. Mike said this human as survived 4 nights now. I came to end that streak." I told him. "His shift starts now." Dad said as the chime range out signaling its midnight. We got into our places. Dad on camera & me in the camera blind spots. By 3am dad was in the office through the vent & I was in the doorway of the office. "oh god! What are you?" The guard asked looking at me. "Your grim reaper." I growled out as I bit a chunk of his neck & head out. He bled out as Mike showed up. We both looked at him as he saw the body. "Well another one bites the dust. Good work." Mike said as Phantom Puppet made the body & mess disappear. "What do you mean Mike?" Dad asked him. "These men I hire are people who have crossed me or owe me money. They get so many chances until they stupidly accept this job only to be killed." Mike said. "Clever boy." Dad said impressed. "Well I'm gunna leave. Heller come back when your ready." Mike told me as he left the building.  I hung out with dad as I went into my human form. He sat down in our room as I sat & leaned against him. We talked about the recent events that took place as I started to get tired. "Go back to Mike's & rest. We can talk later." Dad told me. "Ok Daddy. Love you." I told him kissing his skull as he hugged me. I teleported to my room & got a shower. I put on pjs & laid in bed falling asleep.

I dreamed I was back in the back room at the pizzeria. I was inside the suit as it went off. I could feel everything as the suit had triggered the springlocks. I was screaming & crying from the pain & blood loss. I saw darkness as I opened my eyes as the animatronic. I looked down at the blood I had lost & it was a lot. I looked up not seeing  Dad. "Daddy?!" I called out but got no answer. I started to breath hard confused.

"Heller wake up!" I heard someone yell. I snapped awake screaming & crying. "Heller its ok. What did you dream?" Mike asked sitting next to me on the bed. "When I died in the wolf suit. But the only difference was that Daddy wasn't there. He stayed with me when I died & came back to life." I told Mike. "Is this the 1st time you had this dream?" Mike asked. "Yes." I told him. "Ok. Try to relax." Mike said. "I'm gunna go see Daddy." I told him. "Ok." Mike said as I changed in my bathroom & teleported in the back room. Dad woke up sensing my distress. "Heller what's wrong?" Dad asked as I went to him. I collapsed in his arms upset. The phantoms & puppet watched concerned. "I had a nightmare." I told him crying again. Dad sat down with me in his lap as he held me like he did when I was little. "What was the dream about?" Dad asked. "When I died in the wolf suit & came back. But in my dream you weren't there with me. I was alone. I died alone & came back alone. I called out for you but got no answer." I told him.  "Its ok baby girl. I won't ever leave you." Dad told me as he hugged me. I fell asleep on him  exhausted. "Is she ok?" Mike asked coming in. "Yea. She was upset about the dream." Dad told Mike. "I will take her back." Mike said trying to pick me up. I only gripped tighter to dad making whining sounds. "Or not. Just bring her back before noon. The social worker is coming at 12:30 today." Mike said as he left going back.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but I woke up to dad shaking me lightly. "Heller its 11:30am. You need to get to Mike's house. The social worker is coming in an hour." Dad told me. "I don't like her." I told him as he chuckled. "I know. Its the last visit. Now go back." Dad told me. I stood up dazed as he caught me helping me stand. Dad ended up teleporting me into Mike's living room as he came out of the kitchen. Mike just nodded as Dad teleported back to the pizzeria.

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