Be Mine

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Hey everyone! Hope you are all okay. I'm so happy to publish this chapter as I know you have all waited a long time for it. Thank you so much for all of the support, I love you all❤️
Enjoy this chapter, it is the longest one I've ever wrote! I'm going to try and write longer chapters from now on :)
Let me know if you like it!❤️


Nathan Valentino

After leaving Kaia's room I went to the bathroom, I relieved myself and made sure my erection was gone. I looked in the mirror and noticed that my pants were still slightly damp, so I did the good old trick which includes throwing my suit jacket over my arm, concealing my crotch.

A buzzing sound alerted me to my phone which started ringing loudly, I cussed. Mental note, turn the volume down.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Fratello! Devi scendere alla ciliegi tossica in questo momento!" My eldest brother spoke through the phone. I could barely hear him as the music was so loud around him.

"Perche cosa sta succedendo?" I questioned. It could only be something bad as that strip club is owned by our rivals. Usually when we go to any of the clubs they own it never ends well.

When I didn't hear a reply, I knew he ended the phone on me, "cazzo!" I ran my hands through my hair feeling stressed.

With everything that was going on, this was the last thing I needed. I've tried to escape the mafia so many times, and many others have too. But there's one difference between me and them, I'm alive and they are all dead.

Looking at myself in the mirror once more and deciding I looked semi normal I left the bathroom. Walking past Kaia's room tempted my arousal to come back but I didn't let it, I had things to sort out.

Hoping that Kaia's mother didn't ask why I was gone too long, I walked into the dining room.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concern lacing her expressions.

"Perfect. I'm sorry for leaving suddenly but Arabella called, and she needs my help." I explained, as nicely as possible.

Arabella didn't need help, but she didn't need to know the real reason why I had to leave.

"Oh, I was nearly done baking are you sure you don't want to stay another 5 minutes, I mean -"She persuaded, bending over to open the oven, letting the scent of warm brownies drift my way.

I interrupted her, "I'm sure they taste amazing, but it's urgent. I'm sorry for leaving on such short notice." She nodded and turned back into the kitchen.

I lept towards the door and shut it after I was out. Every time we've been to that club something bad happens which is why I had to rush as my brother could be in danger. He's 4 years older than me but I'm the smarter sibling. He's probably there drinking with our enemy without even knowing it.

As I got to the door Arabella was just exiting, it was late, and she looks to have done her makeup, which is rare for her. "Where are you going?" I asked her, she never told me she was going anywhere.

"Just out for a meal with some friends." She replied, looking up at me and smiling. Something felt off. I could tell when she wasn't telling the truth, she looked so guilty.

I crossed my arms, "The truth." I demanded harshly, arching my brows. Sometimes she forgets that I made her, and that I did shit like this in my youth too.

"I am telling the truth." She also crossed her arms, furrowing her brows.

"No, non lo sei. Ora dimmi dove stai andando."

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