A Safe Place

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Author's Note: I would like to send out a very special thank you to my wonderful, dear friend B. Without you this would have never gotten started. You helped me realize exactly what was going on in my life and gave the the strength to not only face it, to do something about it, but to also write about it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

Patricia Langston sighed as she walked into the little cafe on the corner, just as she did every Wednesday night after work. This was the only time she was able to have just to herself, no anger pointed at her, no walking on eggshells. Before, when her children were younger, still living at home, she found solace in things as simple driving the kids to and from sports practices, school events, anything that got her away from Anthony and his ever growing temper. Now that her sons were graduated and out of the house, he didn't hide his anger, his foul moods or his absolute distaste for her. For so long she'd told herself that she'd get out when the kids left the house, but here she was, 5 years later and still in the same prison she'd been in for the past twenty years. She had made excuses for him, taken all of the blame, falling for his apologies and words of love every time, staying with him, ignoring the abuse, excusing it away time and time again all because he'd never hit her. It wasn't really abuse was it if he didn't hit her? There was only so much she could take, though. She had to have this little bit of solace while he worked late at the factory on Wednesdays, allowing herself time to pretend that everything was still okay, that she was happy, that she was free. She sighs and orders her coffee black and pulls out the change she'd been collecting through the week. She loved their cinnamon rolls here, but she didn't have enough cash and knew if she spent anything out of their bank, he'd get a notification and not only would he come find her, but there would be hell to pay as well. Taking out her book, one of the torrid, period romances she loved so much and begins reading, getting absorbed in the characters, the scenery, completely oblivious to anything around her.  

Elliott had walked in and taken his normal stool at the counter, smiling at Tilly as he always did. "My usual please, honey." He winks and sips his coffee, looking around a moment. That's when she caught his eye, the beautiful woman in the corner just silently reading. There was something about her that just seemed slightly sad, in the way she sat, the way her shoulders slumped slightly. He watched her a few minutes, seeing different emotions and reactions flit over her face as she read. He turns to Tilly and smiles nodding toward the table the woman was at. "Make that two, Tilly dear." He stands up and picks up his coffee cup, walking over to the table where the woman was sitting still completely engrossed in her book. He stook behind the chair across from her, just watching her for a few minutes before finally speaking. "What are you reading, sweetheart? Looks like it's a good book." He asks softly, his voice like velvet as he watches her reaction. "May I sit with you, ma'am?" He notices the way she jumps when he speaks and frowns softly. That wasn't a reaction he was used to receiving. At least not anymore. 

Her body was trained to react, quickly setting the book down face first and looking up at the man, ready for the hateful words to spew from his lips like they would her husbands. She'd lost count of how many times Anthony had called her a whore, a useless slut, brainless, all because she enjoyed reading romance novels. To him, they were a complete waste of money and time. She wasn't allowed to purchase them, even though she worked hard for her own money. Instead, she simply accepted hand me down books from her coworkers. Her hands shook softly as she looked up at the man in front of her, taking in his dark hair, the dark glasses on his face and the burgundy bow tie. The bow tie made her smile softly. "I..um..it's just a book. Nothing important." She stammers softly, trying to control the shaking in her hands. She looks at the empty chair and up at him, then glances out the window, her heart racing softly. What if Anthony came got off work early and came by the cafe? What if he saw her sitting with this man? She was terrified of what he would do, but something in the man's blue eyes put her at ease, making her feel safer than she had in decades. She nods slowly and shifts in her chair, watching as he sits down and sips his coffee. Her entire body was tense, on edge, her mind racing to try and figure out what it was that this man wanted. Surely he wanted something from her. Anthony had told her numerous times how overweight and unattractive she was, so she knew that couldn't be the reason this handsome man had come to sit with her. Her eyes widen in surprise as the waitress brings over two plates of roast beef and mashed potatoes. "Sir, I can't accept this. I thank you, but I just can't." She says softly, panic in her voice as she quickly stands, grabbing her purse and moving to leave the diner. 

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