- chapter 3 -

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Zhongli just stared at him and jumped out of his seat.

"Did you just say you want me as your personal assistant?!",

he asked Childe.
Childe smiled back at him and then looked at Liyue Harbor.
Zhongli was still shocked.

(Did he really just say that?
What's wrong with him)

Childe looked back at him and then said:

"I kinda knew you would react like this but please listen to me first."

Zhongli still looked at Childe but calmed down a bit and sat back in the seat.

"Well then go on, tell me."

Childe then said thank you and started to talk:

"Well I know it's almost time for this famous festival in Liyue.
What's the name again...
Ah, yes Lantern rite.
So it's one of the most famous festival in Liyue.
Many people don't have time to do favors from others, because they have to start with the preparation for Lantern rite, so I looked all around Liyue so I could find someone who would help me.
At first I couldn't find someone who could help me but then I found "Wangsheng Funeral Parlor" and this girl named Hu Tao.
I talked with her and she then accepted the offer.
She also said you should socialize more."

(Seriously Hu Tao? That's why)

"I wondered all the time why she said that. Socialize more?
What does she mean by that?
A man like you, who looks so attractive haves to socialize more?
Is it hard for you to talk with people or what?
I can help you with that if you want."

Zhongli looked at him, he didn't know what to say.

"I really wonder why's that?
Please tell me~",

Childe said.
He leaned over the table, almost was with his face in Zhongli's Face and smiled sarcastic.
Childe then grabbed some of Zhongli's hair and looked in his eyes.

Zhongli then looked first in his eyes and then away.
He also leaned back into his seat so that Childe wouldn't touch his hair anymore.
It was still kind of embarrassing.

"I'll accept the offer but please stop with that.",

Zhongli said and looked away.
Childe laughed and was really happy about his answer.

"Thank you really much!"

He went back in his seat and then told Zhongli:

"It's already gotten late so we'll continue this talk tomorrow.
I'll bring you back."

"There's no need for that,"

He said to Childe.

"Nono, don't worry.
I also wanted to take a small walk!"

Childe then went back in his room and changed into warmer clothes.
Zhongli followed him.
Childe already changed and held a gray sweater in his right hand.
With his left hand he waved Zhongli over to him.

"Because it's all ready cold outside I want you to wear this, so you won't get sick. Please accept this present!"

Zhongli went over to Childe.
He first looked at the sweater and then to Childe.
But because it was already late and he didn't want to discuss, he just said:

"Thank you, I'll take good care of it."

Zhongli then took the sweater and put it on.
After he finished, Childe opened the door and both of them went outside.

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