Preview: Tomoo's Revenge (1)

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While everyone was talking to Lucy about her life in the other Japan.
Angela: do you really come from an orphanage?
Lucy: "was", from an orphanage in which...
I prefer not to remember.
Ryan: Why?
Lucy: I don't want to talk about it (she leaves).
The other children just watched as she pushed him away, but they didn't know that another child was looking at them with an evil face.
Tomoo: Wow, it seems others like her.
Shin: what are we going to do?
Tomoo: don't worry I have a plan to expose your, "anomalies"
Koga: and so everyone will hate her.
Tomoo: Exactly!
Shin: and when we do.
Tomoo: hahaha if you have fun now.
Shin and Koga: Good!
Tomoo: She's not human after all.
Koga: what will we do with akane?
Tomoo: for now let's not worry about her let's follow the plan, it's very simple there is nothing complicated.


Meanwhile... Lucy was in the schoolyard, thinking about her life, when Monica arrives.
Sydney: hey...
Lucy: what do you want?
Sydney: About what happened... don't answer if you don't want to, but what happened to you in that orphanage?
Lucy: you didn't understand, you and your friends have a perfect life and look at me.
Sydney: that she has.
Lucy: (sigh) you'll see what happened was that...
At that, a bark is heard.
Lucy and Sydney: huh?
Lucy: That's... impossible.
Monica: still because...
Lucy goes to see who she is and... she can't believe it, she's a puppy with brown fur and fur features.
Sydney: (she walks away a bit) grrrr.
Lucy goes to see him, to which the dog goes to sniff her and proceeds to jump and run for joy to jump on Lucy and lick her.
Lucy: Wait a minute, maybe I... No no no... impossible, w-Walter?
Sydney: do you know that dog?
Lucy: I think so... I met him at the orphanage.
Walter: wof wof (Lucy long time no see! who is the other one?).
Lucy: I don't understand very well, I present to you one of my new friends, it's sydney, say hello Walter.
Walter: wow (Hello!).
Sydney: Aaaah (walks away).
Lucy: What's up?
Sydney: I'm sorry I'm telling you this now but... (she sighed) I don't like dogs.
Lucy: Because, puppies are fun loving the whole package.
Sydney: I don't like to talk about it, and on top of that I prefer wolves.
Lucy: ....
Sydney: ...
Lucy: hee hee hee.
Sydney: Yeah, hilarious.
Lucy: We should go back to class.
Sydney: You are right.
The girls went back but Monica noticed that Lucy was carrying Walter in her arms.
Sydney: wait...
Lucy: ...?
Sydney: you can't bring animals to school, behave yourself!
Lucy: but then where I take him, I can't leave him alone, the other time it didn't go well at all.
Monica: well... (she sighed) hide it in your backpack or I don't know, do what you want!  I do not mind.
Lucy: ... (smiles mischievously).
The girl proceeds to take the puppy to a tree near the school.
Lucy: stay here until I come back, okay?
The dog barks in agreement to what Lucy goes to the living room.
Once inside, the boys proceed to talk about their lives, while Tomoo and his gang were looking ready to carry out their plan.
Tomoo: the time has come, you just have to surprise them...
At that moment Tomoo appears in the room, everyone takes him to see.
Isabel: Hello, are you the new one?  It's a pleasure my name is Isabel.
Tomoo: My name is Tomoo.
Isabel: Welcome...
Isabel couldn't finish her sentence because she was pulled by the arm by Lucy.
Lucy: you can know what you do.
Isabel: nothing was just being nice.
Lucy: You can't be nice, let alone talk to those kids.
Isabel: why?
Lucy: ...
Tomoo proceeded to interrupt.
Tomoo: I see that horns is also here.
All: huh?  how horns?  I do not understand?
Koga: I can't wait, say it.
Shin: here it comes.
Lucy: I never wanted to see you again, you know?
Tomoo: I'm not such an idiot, horns.
Lucy: stop calling me "horns"
Tomo: why?  if that's what you are
Lucy: (trembling) Or, don't you dare.
Tomoo: I can't even think of that.
Lucy: grrr.
Tomoo: Oh I know, tell everyone your little secret!
Lucy: nooo.
Lucy tried to dodge but Tomoo could be faster and take off the hat with which she hid hers (you know what).
Tomoo: Here you are.
Ryan: that's it!
Brandon: impossible!
Tomoo: They are horns, anomalies, things that would only fit a demon or a damn ogre hahaha.
Koga and Shin: finally!
Everyone was completely silent, Lucy was about to panic until...
Tomoo: (in his mind) insults in three,
Noises and shouts of joy and excitement began to be heard.
Ashley: oh my god your horns are ultra cute.
Lucy and tomoo: huh?  but what?
Ryan: So cool, I want a character to wear them in a space novel.
Brandom: I don't even know how to describe it, and I know a lot of weird and cool stuff.
Lucy: s-seriously they say it?
Chloe: And you don't even tell us how you get them!
Lucy: I was born with them.
Isabel: amazing.
Sydney: not as amazing as clear.
Isabel: hehe you know how they are.
Lucy: I already realized.
Hailey anne: she Aaaah she is like a real alien (doing crazy dances and jumps).
Lucy: Actually, even I don't know.
Jessica: Whatever it is, it's great.
Lucy: you...
Lucy couldn't pronounce many words, because she was blind with joy since she never felt loved, of course, except by Kouta.
Lucy: I don't know what to say (colmoved).
While with Tomoo, he was speechless because he didn't go as she had planned.
Tomoo: Aaah.
Lucy: (approaches Tomoo) I think I should say thank you, I mean at some point they were going to find out.
Tomoo left the class and went with the others ñ.
Shin: what the hell was that.
Tomoo: I don't know, I swear that wasn't part of the plan I swear!
Koga: Simple, everyone there is tolerant.
Shin: We should give them a punishment for flattering a weirdo.
Tomoo: They're right.
Meanwhile with the others.
Kaitlyn: I have to post this...
Lucy: no.
Kaitlyn: huh?
Lucy: we don't know if the others will also take it for the better, it's better not to take a risk, especially with, tomoo.
Kaitlyn: but he didn't...
Lucy: He didn't plan that...I'm sure he planned for you guys to insult me ​​for being different.
Jordan: Like lightning.
Lucy: listen carefully and you better catch it;  In this world there are many miserable people, looking for the unhappy to make them more miserable, do you understand?
The other children didn't know whether to answer.
Lucy: ok...
Sydney: hey...
They all went to see sydney.
Sydney: Lucy got me thinking and they're not the only ones, I'm not a normal human either.
Isabel: what do you mean?
Sydney: I...
Sydney released a black aura all over her, when it dissipates she sees a sydney with ears, claws and a tail that would only be that of a wolf, everyone, especially Lucy, is shocked.
Sydney: I'm also different, a werewolf girl.
Logan: What the heck!
Sydney: I don't know, but we'll say that for as long as I can remember, my parents made me hide it.
Chloe: well then, you won't have to hide anymore.
Isabel: we all support you.
Sydney: thanks... (she wags her tail happily).
Tomoo and his gang noticed that too and were quick to act.
Tomoo: wow wow, first a monster and now, well, another monster hahaha.
Isabel: Excuse me.
Tomoo: you seriously call that ball of fur?  "friend"
Isabel: I think they're great.
Shin: Heh, didn't they teach you that if you hang out with monsters, you'll get everyone to hate you!
Isabel: who says?
Shin: I say it morra.
Chloe: And that's supposed to mean something to us?
Kouga: I should.
Isabel: wait, in the Springdale elementary school they don't tolerate violence, please let's get along.
Everyone: ...
Tomoo notices a vase so he takes it.
Isabel: well, tomoo and company would you please...
Without warning, Tomoo, with the vase he grabbed he hit Isabel in the eye, making her turn purple.
Chloe and sydney: hey!
Isabel gave a groan of pain.
Tomoo: hahaha if a dog or a horned woman was fun, each time it's more fun than the previous one.
Lucy: just as she damned remembered.
Tomoo got dangerously close to the blonde.
Tomoo: Consider it a lesson for defending these two things.
All: we will not allow it!
The children were stopped by shin and koga.
Koga: not so fast stupid.
Tomoo: Hold them in the meantime.
Tomoo proceeded to give isabel another jug, again and again making her bleed.
Aaah!  Aaah!  Please stop!  stop please!
It was what isabel was screaming for him in agony of pain.
Sydney: Don't touch her!
Shin: oh but bitch.
Sydney: what did you call me?
was what was heard, when a round thing was on the ground, leaving little by little blood in its wake.
Tomoo: But what...
Shin: hey I think you went too far.
Tomoo: hahaha, that was fast.
Sydney and her friend couldn't believe it, THAT WAS ISABEL'S EYE!
Everyone was horrified when he appeared before his eyes.
Koga: Let me fix that.
Kouga mercilessly crushed isabel's eye splattering blood.
Sydney: what do you think?
Chloe: I can't believe it, why?  Because?
Lucy: I told you no.
Sydney: (groaning with rage) how can they, how can they, and then they say that lucy and I are monsters when they do this monstrosity to someone as cute and great as isabel?  You, you (she looks back at her friend who was still bleeding from the hole where her eye used to be and also seemed dead making her think again about how tomoo hit her) LUCY WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU!!!
Sydney jumped hitting shin and koga and then got on top of tomoo hitting her with her claws.
Sydney: You fucking brainless, you fucking fucking murdering fucking fucking killer!!!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Leslie: Monica enough!
Dylan: She can't react, she's consumed with rage.
Lucy: leave her, they deserve it.
Jessica: but...
Jessica tries to grab Monica to stop her.
Jessica: sydney don't do it, that won't bring isabel back and you know it.
Hailey anne: Stop Sydney.
Sydney: nooo
At that moment, an arm is placed in front of sydney.
Sydney: (still in her sadistic frenzy) HEY I SAID...
Sydney did not finish her sentence because that arm was neither more nor less than isabel.
Sydney: sure...
Isabel: sydney (with her left hand on her eye) please stop.
Chloe: you're alive!
Isabel: Monica for this will solve anything, believe me.
Sydney: I...
Tomoo: hey you were supposed to be dead.
Isabel: ...
Lucy: Damn.
Tomoo: I'll make sure you're dead.
Just when Tomoo was going to give isabel another jug, a hand stops him.
Chloe: on our damn corpses.
All: and us!
Tomoo and his gang seeing that this time it wouldn't be easy.
Tomoo: Damn, quick!
Tomoo and his gang ran out of the room.
Lucy: I can't believe what they did.
Ryan: We couldn't let that killer get away with it that easily.
Jessica: but of course you.
Isabel: Don't worry, I'll be fine.
Lucy: no you're not, is there an infirmary here?
Hailey anne: yes there is.
Lucy: Well, quickly.

End of the first trailer

Then I'll do another one where they see akane (orphanage girl).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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