Day 6- Hidden Power

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(Stolas can definitely tell how Blitzs heavy breathing sounds. Especially in close proximity. 😏)

Stolas put on a disguise as he picked up the weapon. He was a prince after all. He could easily make himself look like one of them.

He made it around the corner of an alley and saw an exterminator standing over Blitz.

Stolas was about to pounce from the shadows, but paused. The angel paused too, confused.

Blitz had his eyes closed and had a smirk on his face. His head tilted up at his 'killer'.

What happened next left both Stolas and the Angel to almost fall back.

Blitz didn't look like Blitz. His body started to lose its color. Soon his body was only black and white. Him becoming bigger in size and his white patches on his skin and horns starting to glow.

He seemed as if he was becoming an angel himself. Which wasn't completely wrong, but wasn't completely right.

His eyes opened and both were blinded at the white beams of light.

You could barely tell it was once Stolas beloved imp. Although Stolas could tell his persona from a mile away. That smirk, body language, and bad attitude could not come from anyone else he knew.

The now new angel laughed as the other stepped back a bit. Streaks of red, yellow, and sparkles flying around them both. If you stared at them long enough, you could practically feel the circus surrounding you. But it didn't feel like a happy circus. It was dark and gave off a bright, but creepy aura. The angel was befuddled at what just happened in front of him.

If he had told someone, nobody would have believed him. Although that didn't matter. The angel was pushed off their feet and felt their limbs being torn apart. In its weird way, it shrieked as it still lived without its legs and arms. The angel was terrified as it felt something move underneath it. Before it could shout it was being ducked into a portal to an empty space. Limbs scattering other directions away from the body falling into an infinite darkness.

Blitz smirked down at the sight and closed it with a swipe of his hand.

Stolas was in complete and udder shock. So much that he forgot to hide himself.

Blitz became mad once more as he saw another exterminator gaping at the ground in front of him.

He was about to give this one the same fate as the other, but stopped. What had stopped him? There was something about this angel that was off. He could feel it. Blitz just stood there with a confused look, but still on guard.

Stolas soon noticed that he was being watched as he looked in front of him away from the ground.

They both looked at each other in the eyes. Each waiting for the other to make a move.

Stolas took off his disguise and was his taller self.

Blitz wrinkled his nose at this realization. It was Stolas. He was both relieved and afraid. How would he explain this? Does he know it's him? Of course he did, he had to have known.

The owl started to talk quietly. "Blitzy..."

Blitz relaxed at the sound of his voice. He slowly became his normal self again. The last thing changing was his eyes. He closed his white eyes and opened them again as his normal colored ones were seen.

He tilted his head up to Stolas with a guilty, scared look on his face.

Stolas slowly walked closer and kneeled down to him. He put his hand to his lovers cheek.

"I'm glad you're okay." He said with a soft smile.

They made eye contact as Blitz leaned against his touch.

Soon, Stolas was carrying Blitz along with the angel weapon on his back. Blitz rested his head into the crook of his neck.

Stolas looked down into Blitzs eyes. That one look said one thing.

'I trust you. You're secrets are safe with me.'

The two layed on the comfy bed with the owls neck feathers still being nuzzled. They both only said 4 words before they drifted off into sleep.

"I love you, Blitzy"

"I love you too"

Okayokay. I know this may not be an Au, but I've always had the idea that Blitz is more than what he seems. It's just a 'don't judge a book by its cover kind of thing'. Just because he looks like he is just an imp, doesn't mean he doesn't have any hidden abilities. He is stronger than he appears to be. Let me know if you guys want me to continue this into a whole book itself. I'm so intrigued with my thoughts on my idea.

If you guys want to use my Au idea, please tag me and give me credit. I'm so proud of myself for thinking of this.

Love you all!

Stolitz week 2022Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora