-Important Info About The Story-

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Main Characters
                             ~Amarra Rosalie-Nicole Smith 
                                                          ((17 years old))
                                                          ((She has long black hair))
                                                          ((She has beautiful sea green colored eyes))
                                                          ((Has light colored skin))
                                                          ((She's 5 feet ' 5 inches))
                             ~Prince Scai'ian of Osaor
                                                           ((600 years old))
                                                           ((He has short black hair))
                                                           ((He has solid black eyes and white pupils. They change to all black when angry and lose their tempter on others))
                                                           ((Has pale almost completely white colored skin that's cold to the touch))
                                                           ((He's 6 feet ' 8 inches))
                                                           ((He's the eldest son of his father and heir to the throne))

Others Mentioned:
                              ~The Triplets (Xolix, Raquel and Av'aelin. The children to Amarra and Prince Scai'ian)
                              ~Lord Kir'in of Osaor 
                              ~The Evil Step-Mother of Prince Scai'ian
                              ~Prince Ra'math of Osaor 
                              ~Prince Ki'lieon of Osaor 
                              ~Prince Neth'ium of Osaor 
                              ~Grazux (he was viewed as a royal vizier and a caregiver/seller to other species)
                              ~Doctor Crisa De'veiw 
                              ~Nux'ox (a royal guard of Prince Scai'ian, Amarra's and their children)
                              ~Krol (a royal guard of Prince Scai'ian, Amarra's and their children)
                              ~King Yekvios of Adreax
                              ~Vizier Xi'in (messenger of King Yekvios)
                              ~Amarra's Father 
                              ~Amarra's Mother 
                              ~Amarra's Twin Little Brothers

((The Planets Mentioned))

Osaor is a lot like Earth in size. But unlike Earth it only has one major ocean that splits into smaller river like passageways. The weather is mainly spring like year around except for a few weeks were it snows and blizzards. It does rain here and there, but no more than ten feet a year. 

Adreax is a desert planet. Its hot year round and it very rarely gets enough rain to grow crops, if any. There are however secret waterways that run under great caverns in the planets. It's one way they live and thrive. But I won't lie, it's a difficult planet to live on. 

Not much is really known about Habara. It's thought that it was a ghost like planet because when you look at it through a telescope, it looks like it's a ghostly white in color. But the reason it looks that way is by the inhabitants that live there. They've engendered a machine to create a fog like look to surround the planet to give it that spooky, ghost like feeling. It also keeps away invaders that try to attack them. 

Viyalea is a beautiful planet. It's a beautiful pinkish white flowing color. A very peaceful planet and species that lives there. You would like to talk about flowers. They are the true definition of the word. Flowers of all sorts and colors grow on the planet giving it a wonderful, floral scent once landed. 

Kanilia is another planet that's not well known to others. It's a very small, shy species. They pretty much only contact neighboring planets such as Viyalea, Osaor, Adreax, Habara and probably others.

((The Hiveah))

So more about the Hiveah. The Hiveah is a parasitic worm that the Osaorians have engendered to allow neighboring species to become pregnant with their children. For the Osaorians as a species, it's hard to become pregnant naturally without having the help from the Hiveah. But with the help from the Hiveah, it released a pheromone into the body that stimulates both the males and females of any species. 

The lifespan of a Hiveah is roughly around two, three months, but grows weaker the longer it's in the body. It's most fertile the first few weeks. Which for their species is good. They view babies and children as their future. 

The percentage of conception: 
                                 ((With the Hiveah it's 100%))
-Single Babies:  100% with two Osaorian parents. 
                             even though it's guaranteed to happen. with other species it's only 40%. 

-Twin Babies: 10% chance with two Osaorian parents. 
                            with another species it's a even greater chance at 50%. 

-Triplets: 0.01% chance with two Osaorian parents. This is seen as a miracle in their species. 
                            now with other species this chance goes up to 80%. 

((Plants Mentioned))

-The Aicracia
(Similar to the Willow tree. It runs from a beautiful light grey to a dark grey color. The flowers that are motioned. I didn't go into full detail, but they are what form the leafs of the Aicracia tree. Now the fruit that's grown from this tree is pinkish white in color and it's sweetness. It only grows more and more sweet the longer it grows on the tree. Truly mouth watering to any that eat it.)

(They are roses that are just silver in color. They have a ever sweet scent about them compared to their rose cousins from Earth.)

-The Crystallized Nartia or Known as Life Lilies
(In the story Amarra says "I can see why this is so beautiful and special to you" to Prince Scai'ian while in his personal and most favorite garden. 'His Mother's Garden'.  So The Crystallized Nartias were brought over by, you guessed it, from the planet Viyalea. Lord Kir'in had them brought over when he found out that Avalin (Scai'ian's mother's name and spelled differently to make his daughter's spelling unique and special to her. But still giving her the same name as his mother) was pregnant with his first son and heir. He wanted the Crystallized Nartia to be a special gift to his wife for giving him such a wonderful gift of bringing life into the world.)

((Drinks and Food That Are Available On Osaorian))

-Water (of course) or as they call it River Gloom
-Ancient Sweet Ale
-Sugar Almond Tea and Espresso Sugar Almond Tea
-Avocado White Wine
-Yellow Cider 
-Starlight Wine
-Crescent Lemon Milk

-Saber Crab 
-Fried Pickled Storm Chicken
-Xexiance Bonbons
-Golden Garlic and Lime Chuck(steaks) or Lizard
-Cave Honey and Thyme Jelly Cakes 
-Moon Jasmine Fudge 
-Dream Cucumber and Lemon/Lime Ice Cream
-Red Wine Crispies
-Baked Fogged Kiwis
-Masked Honey and Thyme Trifles 
-Breaded Night Olm (goat legs and meat)
-Hot and Spicy Rolls
-Fume Apples and Lavender Cookies 
-Aether Sugar Sundae 
-Strix Jelly and Roc Jelly
-Enchanted Pineapple Cheesecake
-Frosted Light Ale Pancakes
-Planar Vanilla and Mint Fudge
-Roasted River Tarsier 
-Celestial Fruit Salad
-Coconut Ice Lollies 
-Ice Honey and Almond Waffles
-Grave Chili Fish, Prawns and Sea Lobsters Stew

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