being doctor

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You give hope to those who need it.....
You give joy to those who are distressed.....
You  have blessed with power to heal
Sacrifice your personal time for other.....
When there are tears , you are a shoulder...
When there is tragedy  youare the only hope....
Don't know how much you sleep and rest but always work actively without any displeasure....
You always have smile even it's the darkest night....
You are always strong even you break from inside ...
You know it's not going to be easy but still you work hard to till their last breath...
You feel sad for those who you cannot save  but you always stay strong work hard to make it up for some one else...
You are separated from whole world to save some one  .....
It's the most worthful work in real sense.  
Any one give pain and wounds but not everyone able to cure ......

Being a doctor is not easy........................
A man come out of the operation ward with his white coat  to change into  normal one .....
He looking Greek god but every one seeing him as god who is just coming toward the family members who are seating outside to know what happen..

"What happened doctor how is my wife . Did she is fine how is my baby?  "said the man in nervous tone  

"Everything is fine. Your wife is strong take care of her and your baby is healthy but we have to take him for under observation for few hours.  Don't  worry every thing will be fine  . Stay calm " said the doctor with wide smile

The word he is saying he is ensuring every one outside .

"My baby is girl or boy" said the man in happy tone with curiosity.

He smile towards him.  You have been blessed with Prince  said  doctor

Anirudh where are you ?? Said a man  who is checking every ward .

Anirudh see him smiled said " what happen Saurabh what take you here?"

Anirudh  take Saurabh with him  left for your cabin .

"Why did you come again for medical check up "said Anirudh while laughing  on Saurabh

"Yaa,  I came for medical check up because my friend don't give me time. He is so busy  . He only talk to patient so I want to become his patient now"   said Saurabh with smile.

"Hmm so my best friend to be my patient ok. Nurse can you bring injection said Anirudh smirking toward Saurbh  .

"  No I am fine  I don't want to be patient  . You will kill me  stop it .
Or I will put  case  against you"   said Saurabh with fear

Oh, So mr barrister babu  going to put case against me for serving my patient said Anirudh with stern face

After few second both  burst out  in laughter ..
Now tell me Saurabh why you come to hospital is there is any emergency" everything is fine na how is uncle and aunty health?  said Anirudh

Oh.  Nothing every thing is fine . My momand totally healthy because of you .but I am here to tell you I am going to marry next month so I want you to be  there in my marriage said  Saurabh shyly

Congratulations Saurabh , I will try my best to take out time for wedding as you already know that I don't have much time as any emergency can come so it can be possible I will not come for that sorry in advance. Don't feel hurt  because of it. . if I can't meet you at your wedding than some other day I will come to meet baudi and you

Ok Ani but try your best I will wait for you .
"If you come don't look so much handsome so  my wife fall for you  . I will kill you if this happen " said Saurabh with teasing smile

"Oh mr possessive to be husband   . You are more handsome than me .
" Said Anirudh .
Suddenly nurse come inside 
Dr Anirudh   , Dr Somnath wants to meet you for discuss about the  patient  who is admitted today ....

Okay nurse I will go to meet him  .
Inform him I am coming to his cabin in few minutes said Anirudh with smile . 

Saurabh I should go I will meet you soon said Anirudh and hugged me

Both left____

Writer vaishnavi 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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