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She looked out of the window of the car and admired the beauty of nature

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She looked out of the window of the car and admired the beauty of nature. The beautiful flowers flew through the wind, the clouds and sun decorating the the sky beautifully. "Beautiful." She mumbled, her view still fixated on the view.

"L/N-sensei!!!" Somone shouted bringing her thoughts back to reality aswell as herself. She shook her head and smiled at her students.

She looked to the right of the vehicle to see the door opened and her students waiting for her near the entrance of the school. She noticed an awfully familiar green hair girl, a Panda and a white haired male. She aswell noticed her favorite and only first years.

Y/N moved to the open door and got out of the car. "Yall miss me?" She asked and smirked.

Megumi rolled his eyes at her while Panda practically ran towards her and hugged her. She didn't mind the talking animal hugging her, infact she loved it. It felt like a big Teddy bear hugging her.

Panda gently placed Y/N down. "Hello L/N- sensei" He greeted her as they walked towards the others. She turned her head towards him and smiled.

"Hello Panda." Y/N paused and turned her attention towards her students infrount of her. "Hey." She waved with one swift movement of her hand. "How's it been?"

"In all honestly, it's been awesome without you these past few days." Megumi answered. He was lying to himself and the others. He missed her but couldn't bring himself to say it. However with that said he didn't miss one thing while she was away and that was Gojo and L/N together.

"Aww I missed you too-" Y/N said but was rudely cut off by someone she hated with her whole heart but still didn't hate at the same time.

"Y/N!!" Gojo cried out as he ran towards the female. All the students stepped aside as he rushed past them, already anticipating what will happen next.

Y/N's eye twitched and she clenched her jaw and hands. She waited patiently for him to open his arms to hug her like he always does when he sees her. Just as he jumped to hug her, she brought her hand to his face and punched him right in the nose, sending him flying back the way he came.

"I told you multiple times Gojo, not to call me by my first name. I never gave you permission to call me by my first name! Oh and another thing, Don't hug me!" She shouted at him.

The second years looked at the scene unfazed as they were already used to this. To them it was like watching the same movie more than once and already memorized the whole thing. However the same can't be said to the first years. Nobara and Yuji were new after all as they only joined the school a few days ago. Megumi witnessed this for years already. He eventually just stopped being surprised eventually and started enjoying it when Y/N punched Gojo. He thought that Gojo deserved every single punch that he got.

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