Strange Beginings

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Tommy never really felt like the family he grew up with were his own.  It sounds like a typical "Independent" teenager phase, but it always felt like that.  Sure he had his "father's" blonde hair and blue eyes, but there's other people in the world who do as well! 

He'd asked his family about a thousand times if he's adopted and they always told him the same thing, "No, what's made you think that?"

He'd even gone to his friends, Tubbo and Ranboo, about his troubles.  Tubbo admitted that he always felt Tommy's family was off as well, Ranboo couldn't say much because he'd only met Wilbur.  Tubbo and Ranboo decided to try and help Tommy figure it all out (even iif Tubbo practiically made Ranboo agree).

Everyone in the house had fallen asleep, all except for Tommy.  It was all apart of his "master plan". 

Once he assumed everyone was sleep, he opened his window and waved his hand outside of iit.  He soon heard crunching of leaves and saw both Tubbo and Ranboo emerge from the trees. 

Tommy disappeared into his room, came back, and lowered some rope out of the window for them both to climb up.  It took quite a few minutes for both of them to climb up, Tubbo complaining about his hands hurting. 

"Where the hell did you get a rope?" Tubbo questioned

"Your mum's house, now stop questioning me." Tommy retorted

Tubbo rolled his eyes and listened to Tommy explain his plan.  They'd sneak into his father's office downstairs, search for clues, and get out of there.

Tubbo opened the office door and peeked in.  It was fairly dark, but you could still slightly see.  The trio quietly walked in and started looking around.

"Guys, there's an address over here?" Ranboo noted

Tubbo and Tommy walked over and inspected the paper on the desk.  "1305 sulsberry lane BNH", what's so important about that?

Tommy took a note and wrote the address down.  He quickly pushed Ranboo and Tubbo out the room and closed the door.  The trio went back to Tommy's room and tried brainstorming what it could be.  After all, it could just be a random address.  Or the clue that Tommy's been searching for.

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