2} King's training

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Elvin felt powerful and energised as soon as he ascended the throne. His young body was thrilled with the power he had obtained. When Elvin was seated on the throne, Commander smiled and cried out for their people.

"You! Do not budge an inch from your current position. I will make you regret taking this breath. After what you did to Leon and Marcellus, you will bear the brunt of my vengeance." Looking at Maccabee, who was going to flee, Elvin grinned angrily. He stayed there, asking for his life, after hearing Elvin.

"Elvin, please. I have a son "Maccabee knelt in front of the monarch.

" I'm pleading for mercy." Elvin didn't seem to mind in the least as he rushed towards Maccabee.

"You will be held responsible for your actions. You shed the blood of Leon and Marcellus. Now I'm going to end your life." Without warning, Elvin thrust his blade into Maccabee's heart. Maccabee sped away from the agony. Elvin used the Veperes sword to stab Maccabee in the head once more. Maccabee continued to beg for his life.

"Father!" Carlos dashed through the palace doors sprinting towards Maccabee. Elvin didn't even give him a second glance. He continues to torture Maccabee. Elvin took each of Maccabees' fingers and cut them off one by one. Carlos and Maccabee were both sobbing uncontrollably. Their folks were concerned and considering away.
Elvin then grabbed Maccabee's throat with both hands.

"Maccabee, farewell!" Elvin flashed his long and sharp veperes fangs, which he pulled into Maccabees chest. After that, he tore his flesh and took out his heart. Elvin crushed Maccabee's heart till it was ripped apart. The blood of the Maccabees was all over his hands and face.

"Get all of those filthy Spidereses, Commander, and murder them all in the most painful ways possible!" Elvin gave the order.

Before Vipereses could capture them, all of the Spideres raced to flee. Many of them fled with Carlos, the Spideres' new leader. Carlos is a Spideres who is one hundred years old. He has extensive training and experience. And he'll undoubtedly seek retribution for the murder of his father by Elvin.

"Now is the time, Your Highness, to begin your training to become the great Viperes king." The next day of Elvin's reign, Commander informed him.

"This soon?" you might wonder. Elvin inquired, his voice bored.

"You have a lot of ground to cover. Being king entails a huge deal of responsibility." Commander said a pleasant smile on his face.

"Fine. I have to uphold my word to King Leon. I shall finish my training and defend this dominion to the end of my days." Elvin stated in a motivational tone.
He was willing to put in his utmost effort to become the best monarch. The viperes' future rests on his shoulders. That is something he is well aware of.

As a Viperes, the first commander teaches Elvin various poisoning techniques. Elvin is a quick thinker, so the commander won't have to go over his lessons again.

"Let's have a look at spideres now. They're also toxic and move quickly. So, if we don't want to die, we need to be faster than them. They can poison a viperes' heart and kill it. However, unlike us Viperes, they are unable to consume our blood. If they do, they will perish "the commander clarified.

Elvin was curious about Spideres and how to get rid of them. Because they are the Viperes' greatest foe. Vampires are amicable with Viperes, while Spideres despise vampires since they murder vampires to gain power. This is a battle that has raged on for decades. There will be no peace until this species is eradicated. Spideres are only concerned with themselves. They are only interested in gaining power. If they gain control of the throne, they will exterminate human races and torment other vampire races.

"Keep in mind that you are only 20 years old. Because of this throne and your rage, you had the power to assassinate Maccabee. It isn't going to happen all of the time. You sat on the throne and wielded the sword for the first time. However, to obtain greater power, you will need to work hard and train yourself." Elvin was reminded of the issue by Commander.

"I'll prepare myself for the worst outcome. I have something precious to cherish. I'm not going to allow anything to hurt her while I'm alive." Elvin's brows furrowed as he spoke those words. It was clear that he misses that adorable baby terribly.

"Can you tell me how long my training will take?" While practising their sword, Elvin inquired of the commander.

"So far, you are the Viperes' youngest King. So, being the best will take years of training. It may be been more than 15 years. We'll keep you safe until you're ready to face the dangers of the outside world "The commander spoke out.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go out then?" Elvin inquired urgently.

"Yes, you must remain here for your own safety. Spideres will not stop till they have you. To safety the vipers kingdom, you must stay near to the crown." Commander went into greater detail so Elvin could understand.

"How am I going to keep Leon's daughter safe?" Elvin murmured, concerned.

"We can dispatch some Viperes to guard her. I'll try to take you to see her occasionally, but it could be risky for both you and the baby." Commander remarked.

"I don't want anything to happen to the baby. Protect her at all costs. Since she is Leon's child, spideres may be looking for her." As he stated it, Elvin was deep in contemplation.

"Don't be concerned, your Majesty. I'll dispatch our troops to guard her. For the time being, you rely on your training. It's the only way to keep her safe." Commander raced to issue orders to the Viperes who had been assigned to guard the newborn until Elvin completed his royal training.

The address of the human who abducted the baby was written on the note Marcellus gave Elvin before he died. In his little letter, Marcellus wrote all Elvin needed to know.

We are passing through days. Elvin was studying and preparing to be a good king every day. He continued his training in the hopes of finishing it soon so that he could adequately safeguard Leon's daughter and Viperes' kind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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