Chapter 1

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Jisung woke up in the house, still feeling the lonely feeling after three years and no contact from Minho. Jisung got up from Minho's bed, looking at the choices of collars to put on. He chose a thin black laced choker with an M with a heart going through it, putting it on. After getting the choker on like any other day, Jisung went to the bathroom, doing his morning routine, putting on light makeup before going to choose an outfit. Jisung settled on a cute but professional outfit to wear. Jisung went out, seeing Taejun in his PJs and cooking breakfast. Taejun looked up to see Jisung come out. "Hey, morning." "Morning Taejun." Jisung got a few pieces of bacon before going out to his car.

Jisung drove to work, first stopping at Chan and Miya's club. He put a long coat on due to the winter weather before going in to see his friends. Miya was wiping tables down, not yet ready to open but close. Miya looked up, going and hugging Jisung when she saw him. Jisung broke the hug after a couple seconds. "Any news from him?" Miya shook her head before turning quickly, knowing Minho had just emailed her that morning. Jisung stuck around for a bit at the club until it was time for him to go open his business. Jisung drove the hour he needed, getting out of the vehicle to open the shop quickly. Jisung opened the shop, seeing packages outside that needed to be put away. Inside the shop was plushie toys all around followed by clothes and chokers. Taejun came into the shop after an hour of Jisung taking things out to put on the shelves of the shop.

"Hey Ji. Need any help?" Jisung pointed to boxes for his friend to get, Taejun going over to quickly starting to help put chokers where they were supposed to go. Jisung continued what he was doing until dropping a box he had been holding. He put his head on the shelf, having already known Miya was lying to him on this particular day. "Jun?" Taejun popped up from where he sat on the floor, tilting his head to look at Jisung. "What's up?" "Nothing. Um, how's Seungmin?" "He's good, I think. He's been really busy at the club recently. He took over doing the books for Chan. But what were you gonna say?" Jisung moved his head from where he placed it, looking at Taejun. "It's nothing really. You don't need to worry about it." Taejun nodded, seemingly going back to his work. "It's about him right? Miya got an email from him. I think he's coming back to Korea Ji."

Jisung looked at where Taejun sat after the other looked back to what he was doing. Jisung was confused why his heart suddenly felt so angry. He wanted Minho to come back to him but why now? After three years? Jisung shook his head of the thoughts, going back to putting items where they were supposed to be. Throughout the day, Jisung's mind kept wandering to Minho. He understood why he left him and he loved him as always. But he just didn't know why he decided to come back, he wouldn't know how to see him again. Jisung got out of his office after going over the books for the store before going to his car to start the drive home. Taejun locked up at the store, going to his car parked by Jisung's. Jisung and Taejun went to Chan and Miya's club in separate vehicles, giving their car keys to the valet when they got there. Jisung went in first, going to Miya when he saw her. "Let's go talk in the back."

Miya nodded already knowing what the conversation would be about. The two went into Miya's office, Jisung sitting at her desk. "The email is on my laptop. If that's what you were wondering." Jisung nodded at Miya but made no move to look at the laptop. "You gonna look at it?" "What did he say? Is he coming back?" Miya sat at the chair on the other side of her desk, "Why do you seem more worried than happy?" Jisung sat back on the chair, putting his hands through his now dirty blonde hair. "When Jun told me he might be coming back, I wasn't sure how to feel. And now, he might actually come back?" Miya nodded her head at Jisung, "In the email, he said he got help while maintaining a company he founded in the states. I think he's back in Korea now though. Why else would he have emailed me?"

Jisung looked at Miya with saddened eyes, "Did he say anything about me?" "He asked how you are. I told him you were doing okay but some things were happening when he first left. I told him as far as I know, you're good. I didn't mention the year and a half you took off." Jisung nodded before speaking again, "Do you think he'll still want me?" "I do. He loves you more than I've ever seen him love anyone." Jisung and Miya talked a bit more before heading out. In the club, everyone continued to work, Miya leaving Jisung to go to her booth. Jisung went to find Taejun knowing he'd find his friend with Seungmin. Before he could go to find Seungmin and Taejun, Chan came over to his younger friend, pulling him to the dorms for the dancers. Chan got Jisung dressed in a laced purple school girls outfit with bunny ears and a tail. "What are you doing hyung? I don't work here anymore." "I have a client that wants my best dancer. He came here a while back and specifically requested for you."

"But hyun-" "Please, just this one guy and I won't ask for you to do it ever again. I'll pay you but there's a catch." Chan pulled out a blindfold, "You have to put this on before going in." Chan escorted Jisung to the back, still holding the blindfold. When the two got to the private room, Chan put the blindfold on Jisung, helping him go in the room, standing outside with a bodyguard. Jisung blindly went into the room, the man holding his hand to guide him to sit on his lap. Jisung started grinding on the man when the music started, doing a dance for him until a couple songs had played. This felt weird, grinding on another man that wasn't Minho. After the last song of what was supposed to be Felix's last part of his routine, Jisung went to leave the room but a hand snaked it's way around his waist.

Although he couldn't see anything, Jisung could hear pretty well. Sniffles and what smelled of salt was present. The man was crying. Jisung smelled the air a bit more, smelling a cologne he hadn't smelled in years. This was Minho's cologne, this made him turn slowly with the man's arm still around him. Jisung moved to take off the blindfold, making said man stand up with his arm still around Jisung. When the blindfold was off, Jisung saw Minho looking much different than before. Arms were back to a toned shape, chest harder than before he left him. Jisung's eyes filled with tears, fully expecting himself to hit Minho but that didn't happen. All that happened were Jisung's lips crashing into Minho's, much to Minho's surprise as well.

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