Scars of Wounds

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As I started to wake up, I felt weird and when I mean weird, I mean I felt as if my bed was bigger and room felt off and yet right. As I opened my eyes I was surprised to see I was in a totally different room then my usual room.

The rooms walls were painted black and the furniture was all black with red details unlike my neon like green walls and brown furniture. I totally like the new room, sorry brother, but this room is so much more like me.

To better describe the room, it was as big as a penthouse that I wanted once in my life with the walls painted to a black that didn't reflect much light. It had one window that reached the ceiling, the shades being black with spider lilies condensed at the bottom but fading as you go up to the half way point. The dressers were old and antique being black with red details that made it pop. There was also a closet that had black sliding doors, there was one mirror that was full bodied, next to the closet, that had looked like it was out of a fairy tale with how antique it was and again, it was black with red details. There were two doors which I was guessing one led to a hallway and the other, a bathroom.

As I looked around, I was screaming in my head, as I was basically sitting in my dream room. Though I stopped as I went to the edge of the bed and got up. I went to the full body mirror and notice that nothing about me changed, not even all the scars that I have on my face from scratching my wounds, though I didn't check for my other scars that were being cover by my black and red pajamas. As I started to turn around to look more around the room, the door farthest from the mirror opened as someone stepped through.

It was a man who looked to be really old, wearing a suit similar to what a butler would wear, carrying a tray with medical supplies. He kind of reminded me of Alfred from the Batman. He looked surprised when he didn't see me in bed, I guessed because of how his face changed to looking frantic and then looking around the room only stopping when he spotted me next to the mirror.

"Ah. You gave me a scare miss, but it's good to see that your up." stated the old man. I stared a little bit before I responded to him.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to." I apologized and continued on, "I just got up and ... was wondering how I got here, but I then saw the full body mirror and was wondering what I looked like as I .. ah ... never had one before. Sorry again for the scare and sorry for my improper way of talking, but really, where am I?" I probably said that to fast, god nab it, I thought to myself.

The old man looked at me and said, "Oh, your fine. You're at Wayne Manor just outside of  Gotham." As he said, I gaped, as Gotham is my favorite city in the DC comics, home to the Batfam. What the heck is all I could think of for a little bit until I realized he said Wayne Manor.

So THE Wayne Manor, home to Bruce Wayne, A.K.A. the Batman, who adopted his three sons, Richard "Dick" Grayson, Jason Todd, Timothy/Tim Drake and Damian Wayne, his only biological son, with his unofficial adopted children, Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, and Duke Thomas, with the addition of his cousin, Katherine/Kate Kane, along with many others being the rest of the Batfam. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Robin, Batgirl, Spoiler, Orphan/Blackbat, Signal, and Batwomen, in that order with how I named their "secret identities". I think I'm going to faint now, actually I don't want to do that cause still have no fucking clue as to how I got here.

"May I uh ... ask how I got here to begin with and what's your name?" I have to ask Alfred what his name is or a weird conversation about how I know his name would probably come up, which I don't want. Alfred might be able to tell that I'm lying because of how long he's been with the Bats.

"Oh, yes, how rude of me. My name is Alfred, the butler of Mr. Wayne. You are here because when the Wayne family was returning from a gala late at night, they noticed you on the side of the road, looking beaten black and blue, bleeding and unconscious. They became worried and brought you with them back here." Alfred stated, not seeming to be lying, though with how many crime shows I watched and with all the Batman shows, movies, comics and games I've have, it's pretty obvious that Alfred was lying a bit. Probably the part where he said the Wayne's were coming from a gala, cause who wants to bet that's actually true, not me as I rather think they were out patrolling when they found me.

Wait, did Alfred say I was beaten black and blue, bleeding and unconscious. Ok the unconscious part makes sense to me but the rest doesn't, just what shit have I gotten myself in.

"Are those medical supplies for me by any chance." I asked in a sweet voice to hidden my horror.

"Yes, these medical supplies are for you. With that I would suggest to sit down so I can assist you with your injuries, if that's fine with you." With that, I really just nodded my head and sat on the couch at the end of the bed that I just noticed, that clearly was also a chest if you lifted the red cushion, the frame was black by the way.

Alfred set the tray with medical supplies down on the knee high table that was in front of the couch. With that he came in front of me and started to get to work with the injuries I clearly didn't feel or know about. He started with my legs first, which when the bandages the were already on were taken off, it looked like I ran through barbed wire not caring if I got cut or not. They're probably gonna scar so yay more scars great. When he was done reapplying antibiotics so the wounds don't get infected, he re-wrapped the wounds in clean bandages.

He continued onto my arms next, which were literally the same as my legs, but you could tell the wounds were made by a type of sword, specifically the sword that I like the most, a katana. But Alfred did the same on these wounds as how he did the ones on my legs.

"Would you mind if you could lift your shirt up while I re-bandage your stomach and back" Alfred had ask me to which I nodded I would. With that I lifted my shirt I met with bloody bandages, I couldn't even see white, the bandages were all red.

"Oh, my. That has to hurt. From the looks of it you reopened the injuries when you got up. Do you mind telling me how bad it feels on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the worst.

"I uh... would say ah... 4 now as I ah... didn't feel it until now," I responded to his question nervously. He nodded to my response to probably show he understands. Though in all reality, I didn't feel a thing as I grew to have a high tolerance to pain.

With that, Alfred took of the bloody bandages,  disinfected the wound, and re-wrapped it with clean white bandages. He put all the old bandages in a bag and took off his gloves and also put those in the bag, tying the bag sealed. He pick up the bag and the tray and went to the door ready to leave.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, breakfast will be done in an hour. Your change of clothes are on dresser closest to the bed, so please change into those before coming to eat lunch. If you need anything else please come and find me." I nodded my head in understanding and with that he left, closing the door as he stepped through.

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