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Lisa's POV

I hade newly moved to Korea, Seoul. I didn't know any korean and got along in english. I had already bought an apartment and i now went grocery shopping and submit my application for a korean learning class.

As i was clueless on where the building was i saw a young girl in my age and went up to her to ask for directions.
"Hey, do you know where this building is?"
"Oh yeah, i can take you there" "Thank you very much!"

We talked as she took me there "So when did you move here?" "About a week ago, i am from Thailand, Bangkok" "Oh nice, i lived here for a few years, i grew up here but then we moved to New Zealand, Auckland" "Ohh nice"
"Here is the Place you were searching for, and also, can i have your Number? You seem to be very nice" "Thank xou and sure! Here you go, my name is Lisa by the way" "Cute name, mine is Jennie. Bye" "Bye"

And that's how we met

I gave them my application and i got my classes. I then walked home and checked my phone to see a message by Jennie.

Heyy it's me Jennie

Heyy, how are you?

I'm fine, how about you?

I'm also fine, i just got home

Met in Seoul | Jennie x Lisa | engWhere stories live. Discover now