Remembering Cho

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Hermione and Draco waited outside Professor Mcgonagall's office from 8:50. She called them in at nine and they sat down. They told the old frail Professor everything that happened last night. She stood up and walked to the window.

"Please, Professor, may we see Cho?" Hermione asked after a few minutes of silence. Professor Mcgonagall turned around and looked at them both.

"Very well. Take this visit pass and give it to Madam Pomfrey." Hermione took the visit pass and held it tightly in her hand. Draco took her left hand and they exited the office together.

"Draco, your hands are hot!" Hermione exclaimed when they were outside the office.

"No they're not. I'm actually feeling rather nippy." he replied, buttoning up his Slytherin green jacket tighter around him. He looked at Hermione's left arm.

"Why were you attacked last night, Hermione?" he asked her, and they walked slowly down the corridor.

"I'm....not sure..." she replied, thinking about last night.

"You were wearing short sleeves..." Draco whispered.

"Yes I was"

"You didn't put the bandages back on..." he whispered even more quietly. Hermione gasped, and pulled up her sleeve. She hadn't replaced the bandages after her shower, and the Slytherins saw her scar.

"Come on, put your sleeve down! We've got to see Cho in the Hospital Wing."


Madam Pomfrey didn't let them in, even with a visit pass.

"There's nobody to see..." she whispered, and all the blood left her face.

"Oh no..." Hermione whispered, and broke down into tears. She sat down on the chairs outside the Hospital Wing and mopped her eyes.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Draco called out to her as she was closing the wooden doors to the hospital wing.

"What is it?" she snapped back, not opening the door any wider.

"Can you do something about Hermione's scar?" he whispered to her.

"If she comes in, I'll see what I can do." Madam Pomfrey replied in a normal voice. "Come on in, dear." she called out to Hermione.

Draco sat down on a chair next to the window; the one closest to Madam Pomfrey's office. Hermione sat down on the bed next to him.

"Well then, let's see this scar." Madam Pomfrey said, bustling up to them with her wand and an assortment of plasters and bandages. Draco held her right hand, and rolled up Hermione's left sleeve. The words burned his heart; Hermione was not a mudblood- she was a beautiful intelligent girl.

"How exactly did you come across this scar, Miss Granger?" Madam Pomfrey asked, in a different tone; this was slightly afraid.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Hermione whispered, tears spilling down her face. "She etched it into my arm. I have the knife that did it, if that will help." she whispered. Madam Pomfrey nodded. From her beaded bag,Hermione produced the knife that made the scar; the knife that murdered a free elf. She shuddered. Madam Pomfrey picked it up and used a non-verbal spell The blade glew a ghostly green, and fell silent onto the bed. Hermione looked anxious.

"It's a curse scar, isn't it? That blade was cursed!" Hermione whispered. Madam Pomfrey looked very very white. What little colour was still in her face from the death of Cho Chang left.

"There's not much I can do. Stay here whilst I get something for you and then you can leave." she said, and bustled away.

"Boy, it's really warm in here," Draco said after a minute or so, removing his jacket. "How come you knew it was a curse scar?"

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