Chapter 1: Tourist Trapped

Start from the beginning

Dipper is too busy looking around the room to notice he's backing up into his bed. He hits it and turns around. "And there's a goat on my bed." Sure enough, stood on top of Dipper's bed was a brown goat.

Noah puts his bag down next to an air mattress shoved against a wall. "At least you have an actual bed. I'm stuck with a bloody air mattress."

"Hey, friend," Mabel says, walking over to Dipper's bed and raising an arm up to the goat. The goat proceeds to start chewing on the sleeve of Mabel's sweater. "Oh! Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater," Mabel laughs.

"According to Dipper, Mabel always seemed to focus on the brighter side of things, but he couldn't get used to his new surroundings. What's even worse is that Stan had turned his house into a sleazy tourist trap called The Mystery Shack. The only real mystery about it was why anyone actually went inside. And guess who had to work there?"

It was here that Noah, Dipper, and Mabel met the other two employees of the Mystery Shack. First, there was Soos, the handyman. Soos could best be described as someone who was almost too nice. He was jolly, eager, but he definitely wasn't the brightest. And then there was Wendy. Wendy was mellow, laid-back, and perhaps a little lazy. In other words, she was a teenager. For some unknown reason, Noah would constantly catch Wendy staring at him. Every time he caught her and called her out on it, Wendy would just smirk and go back to whatever she was doing. It was starting to get on his nerves.

"Everything would change on one fateful day."

It was a normal day at the Mystery Shack. Noah was putting price tags on various knickknacks, Dipper was cleaning, Soos was fixing a shelf, Wendy was behind the register reading a magazine, and Mabel... well, Mabel was staring at a boy.

"He's looking at it! He's looking at it!" Noah looks over to see Mabel looking through some bobbleheads at a boy who holds a note made by Mabel.

"Uh... 'Do you like me? Yes? Definitely? Absolutely!!!'"

"I rigged it!" Mabel says with a smile on her face.

"Mabel, I know you're going through your whole 'Boy Crazy' phase, but I think you're kinda overdoing it with the 'crazy' part," Dipper says, cleaning a glass jar.

"What? Come on, Dipper! This is our first summer away from home! It's my big chance to have an epic summer romance!"

"Yeah, but you've flirted with pretty much every guy in town," Noah says, walking over to join the conversation. "There was the guy who you pushed into a greeting card display, then there was the guy with the pet turtle, you even flirted with the guy that works at the bloody mattress store."

"Mock all you want, you two, but I got a good feeling about this summer. I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams walked through that door right now." Right on cue, Stan walks through the door holding several arrow-shaped signs and a can of soda, burping.

Noah smirks and looks at Mabel. "What a catch you've got there, Mabel."

"Aww! Why!" Mabel protests while Dipper laughs.

"All right, all right, look alive, people. I need someone to go hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest." Stan holds out the signs towards the three.

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it!" Noah, Dipper, and Mabel all say, one after the other.

"Uh, also not it," Soos adds.

"Nobody asked you, Soos," Stan remarks.

"I know, and I'm comfortable with that," Soos says before taking a bite out of a chocolate bar.

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