Valentines day special

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-These are the aged up 16 year old version of the characters, either way i'm not sexualizing them
- This has nothing to do with lore in the story I just wanted to write this since its valentines day

I feel a soft touch on my cheek.
I look around and notice a girl.
One with pink hair that flows smoother and more beautiful then the relationship between the sun and moon itself, for it was my love.
My Akane.

She smiled when she realized I was staring right at her.

I had passed out the night before dew to sleep deprivation. I was still on the floor because Akane fell asleep before me.

I heard a quick rustling noise and saw her sit down on the ground next to me.

Criss cross apple sauce she sat holding a small stuffed animal.

She got closer and placed it on my chest.

As I picked it up I hovered it over my face.

A small bunny.
A small white bunny.
A plushie of a small white bunny.
It stared at me lifelessly and I smiled.

I laughed and threw it at Akane.

All the time i've spent with this girl.
All the time i've been hopelessly in love with her.

Someone to understand and love me as much as I do them.

My perfect valentine.

My pretty girl.

I get up realizing I didn't have time to buy her something due to excessive school work and studying.

It was a Monday yet we had no school, the school wanted to give us time to spend with our love ones.

I reached out a hand and she returned the grip with her soft palms.

Picking her up, I carried her down the stairs and we ran out.

We walked to the nearest grocery store and found walls filled with hundreds of valentines day cards.

So many beautiful cards.

A card with a small white bunny on it.
I picked it up and put in our small basket.
Akane looked at all the cards with such suprise and happiness.

Not letting her see what I picked out, we went to the choclate section.

Immediately Akanes bright pink eyes lit up after seeing the perfect chocolate box.

Its pricey, but its worth it for her.

We walked to the checkout, Akane practically jumping with joy.

We purchased the items and went to the ice skating rink a couple blocks away.

Akane gave me a long side hug when we finally got to the entrance of the building.

Neither of us ever skating before, we were both terrible, constantly falling over.

We both thought that I would be the good one at skating. But it was the opposite. Akane picked it up quickly.

She was the one helping me glide along the ice.

I don't care who's best, honestly.

All that maters is that I have Akane with me.

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