chapter 9

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𝔾𝕖𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕖 ℙ𝕆𝕍

i was woken up by rustling next to me.
i open my eyes only to realise that it wasn't even light outside yet.
i looked over to where the rustling was coming from and saw sapnap tossing and turning in his sleep.

"hey, sappy?"
i slowly went over to him and started rubbing his back, to soothe him.
he instantly leaned into my touch.
i cooed at him and carefully took him into my arms.

𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 ℙ𝕆𝕍

i got woken up by the sun shining into my face.
i groaned, covering my eyes with my arm.

"good morning to you too, you lazy bitch."sapnap said.
then george yelled from the kitchen"oi!"

i slowly lower my arm and squint over at sapnap.

"don't call me a lazy bitch, you lazy bitch."

i cover my eyes again and suddenly feel hands on my ankles.

oh fuck

and im on the floor.

"you fucker."

i wheezed out a laugh and we laughed for about 5 minutes.

"come here you lazy fucks breakfast is ready!"
george yelled from the kitchen.

"i'll race you there!"i yelled and started sprinting.

"oh fuck you!" sapnap said, trying to catch up to me(failing miserably).

"settle down kids."
"oh, fuck you too george."

we ate our breakfast(with a bit of bickering but that's irrelevant)

George and i were getting dressed when he came up to me with a nervous expression.

"what's up georgie?"
"um... well-"
"spit it out georgie."
"i just wanted to ask if i could be little today?"
"of course! you don't have to ask georgie."
"well i just though- you've been little for the past two days and i didn't want to be a burden-"
"you're not a burden sugar bug. you're my cute little prince that can be little whenever he needs to be."

he covers his face.
"aw but pincey i wanna see your cute little face." i pout playfully and lay my arms around him.
his head drops onto my chest and he drapes his arms spurns my neck.
"are you little, baby?"
"well how old is my little tiny prince then?"

he holds up two fingers.

"such a small boy aren't you?"
"daddy's small boy."he giggles
"of course."

i dress him in something more comfortable and give him his favourite pacy before going downstairs,where sapnap was sitting in the floor playing with his phone.

"we have a small georgie with us today."
"ooo hi georgie." he gives a small wave.
"do we also have a small sappy?"
"you wanna have me get a pacy for you?"
he nods slowly.
"okay, before i do that. how old is my sappy?"
i set george down next to him.
"um..."he hold up two fingers, but then switches to one, seeming very frustrated about not being able to decide.

"its okay not to be sure sappy. im still gonna get your pacy."

i make sure that nothing breakable is near them and then rush upstairs to get a pacy.

after rummaging through my pacy bag i finally find the one i'm looking for:
a flame decorated pacy i got to remind me of sap.

i go back downstairs and see george and sap llaying on the floor together just looking at the ceiling. maybe they zoned out? oh well .

"hey sappy! i got your pacy."
he shoots up from the floor and makes grabby hands at it.
i hand it over to him and he sticks it into his mouth seeming relieved as he does so.

Tbc :)

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