In Twenty Years

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Domestic Fluff

• y/n and ni-ki waking up in the middle of the night and going on an adventure to find the perfect snack.

• falling asleep on the couch, waking up to not only a blanket around her (y/n), but ni-ki squeezed in behind her.

• playing mario kart after the kids are in bed and cursing all the other drivers out.

• y/n and ni-ki having a water ballon fight in their own backyard.

• y/n and ni-ki spontaneously deciding to paint their spare room on a sunday.

• ni-ki and y/n leaving notes in each other's lunch box when they know it will be a stressful day at work.

• y/n and ni-ki having a favorite animal at the zoo, they regularly visit together.

• ni-ki making funny faces behind the computer while y/n is in a boring zoom meeting.

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