Friends For A Season

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Y/n and Ni-ki are having a conversation with Jungwoon, who ships them almost obsessively. They're just casually talking about fan fiction when Jungwoon says "yeah... i still sometimes write... wait" and getting a mischievous smile on his face. Y/n and Ni-ki exchange uneasy look, fearing the worst. "What is it?" Y/n finally asks. "Oh, nothing" jungwoon sighs, and the mischievous face disappears. Jungwoon shifts the topic to something else, and the whole incident is forgotten for a while. Then, one day, Y/n and Ni-ki both get messages from Jungwoon, and when they open it they find it to be fanfiction of them. They both read the fanfiction, their faces ranging from anger to embarrassment to intrigue.

Bonus #1: Y/n and Ni-ki aren't dating yet and so this makes them extremely uncomfortable, and they avoid the subject when around each other.

Bonus #2: this isn't the last fanfiction written about them, and soon some really interesting fan art follows.

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