⚠ NSFW! [And swearing]

514 5 49

MADE BY: Cheekyxbob  [Thanks for letting me upload this!]

I was lazy while writing this — So sorry if it's bad

Not canon at all


* Cheeky pins Bob to a wall

"Gah! Cheeky!?" [Bob]

"Shh... It'll be over soon." [Cheeky]

* Cheeky kisses Bob

"Mmph!" [Bob]

* A minute later

"Now, you think you can handle this?" [Cheeky]

"Handle what?" [Bob]

* Bob looks down

"Oh..." [Bob]

"I don't think so. I mean, you know how tiny my body is." [Bob]

"Hmm, true." [Cheeky]

"But I don't care." [Cheeky]

"Wait what?" [Bob]

* Cheeky sticks it in

"Ah!" [Bob]

* Cheeky goes fast

"AH!" [Bob]

* Bob starts crying


* With Ron [Because yes.]

"What the hell?" [Ron]

* Ron looks around the corner

"BOB?!" [Ron]

"Gah!" [Bob]

* Cheeky stops

"Who is that?" [Cheeky]

"Um, hi? I'm Ron." [Ron]

"Well, go away, Ron. Can't you see we're busy?" [Cheeky]

"What do you mean?" [Ron]

* Cheeky scoffs

"We're fucking." [Cheeky]

"HUH?" [Ron]


"Oh no..." [Bob]

"Yeah?" [Cheeky]


"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" [Cheeky]

* Cheeky runs over to Ron and grabs him

"You are joining us." [Cheeky]

"AHH!! I'M A MINOR!!" [Ron]

"You are 20." [Bob]

"AHH! Wait, what?" [Ron]

"Your 20." [Bob]

"Oo, alright bet! I'll join then!" [Ron]

"Perfect." [Cheeky]

"Shit..." [Bob]

[POV: Bob]

"I should have never told him."

"Wait, I know."


[POV: No one]

* Bob kills Ron

"The fuck?" [Cheeky]

"I ain't letting a folder fuck me." [Bob]

"You're gonna let a rock fuck you, but not a folder?" [Cheeky]

"Yes, I am gonna let a rock that can easily crush me, fuck me." [Bob]

"Uh, okay." [Cheeky]

"Now, I need a break. My legs hurt." [Bob]

* Bob walks (do he even have legs?) away

[I'm sorry for writing this.]

[But, go follow me anyway, lol.]

- cheekyxbob

[Updated it a little cause it looked weird without an ending. Never updating it again.]

[Read next chapter for rework]

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