"Will you chill? It's just a refectory," Drew tells him and gives me an exasperated look.

Ryland is definitely going to be the worrier in our group. Drew is the blunt, sarcastic one. Yousef is the quiet, bookish one and me? I'm the smart, sexy, funny one, obviously.

The four of us walk through the open double doors and I can understand why Ryland is a bit intimidated. The room is enormous with a two or three storey high ceiling. There are loads of table and chairs set up to accommodate the two thousand students that go to this school. Well, only one year eats in here at a time, so there's only a thousand of us right now.

I scan the crowds as we wait in line for our food. Everyone is talking animatedly, the excitement of it being the first day is palpable. The queue steadily moves along, students start taking their seats. We're all in the same uniform and you get to choose if you want to wear trousers or a skirt.

Across the room, I spot the guy from the lift, Alkander. He's sat with one other guy on a big table full of empty seats. Even from this far away, my keen eyes pick up the way his shirt hugs the muscles in his arms. He's thrown his blazer over the back of his chair and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. He looks fucking hot, and I'm instantly attracted to him.

"Let's go sit over with those two when we get our food," I suggest to Drew.

He looks to where I'm pointing, rolls his eyes and then glances over his shoulder at me. "That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the attractive tanned guy, would it?"

I smirk at him. "Glad that you've noticed he's attractive, too."

Drew scoffs. "You don't have to be gay to notice if a man is attractive, Bellamy. You know I'm totally hetero."

It's true, I've tried it on with Drew before and he rebuffed with the same flattered-but-panicked reaction that most straight guys have around me. I'm open about when I find a guy attractive, and it makes some lads nervous.

We get our dinner, which consists of extra rare steak and a side of vegetables and chips. The meal already looks ten times better than any other school dinner I've had. I lead the group over to Alkander's table, we stop in front of it, holding our trays.

Alkander looks up. His curious look turns to one of shy anxiety when he sees me.

"Hey, Alkander," I greet him like we're old friends. "Mind if me and my dormmates join you?"

He blushes slightly, it's the most adorable thing ever, and nods. "Um, sure."

I take a seat right next to him and give him a wink. It sends him into meltdown. He drops his gaze to his food and his blush intensifies, visible even against his tanned skin. I look around, deciding to lay off him a bit in case I scare him off too soon. If all goes well, I'll have him in my bed by the end of the week.

"This is Fabian, by the way. We share a dorm," Alkander finds his voice and introduces the guy next to him.

My friends start introducing themselves, but I tune out of the conversation because I've found something more interesting to focus on. Or rather, someone.

The guy who walks through the double doors immediately catches my eye. He is Asian and what he lacks in height, he makes up for in his stocky build. He is seriously hench, he must spend every day in the gym because he's built like a fucking wall, he's so wide.

His coal-black hair is styled back from his face in a way that looks effortlessly smart. His eyes are way darker than my green ones, I think they're almost black. He scans the crowd, and the scowl remains on his face. He has this badass, pissed-off-about-life expression and it's fucking hot. I'm torn between wanting him in my bed or Alkander.

Fuck it, I'm gonna try and have both.

"Anyone know who that is?" I address the table and gesture subtly at the Asian hotty now standing in the queue.

"That's Zephyr Jeong, he's our other roommate," Alkander's friend, Fabian, pipes up. "You might have heard of him because his mother just became a new member of the governor's board for the school. They're fucking loaded."

I wouldn't know what it's like to be 'fucking loaded'. My family isn't very poor, but we're not well-off, either. I can tell that Alkander's must be by the flashy watch he is wearing. Unless that's the only expensive thing he owns, of course.

I join the conversation but drop out again when Zephyr reaches the end of the queue and collects his food. He looks around, trying to find someone that he wants to sit. His eyes settle on somewhere just behind me, but I don't look, I keep my gaze on him.

He walks in our direction, that scowl still in place. The way he walks is impressive, he takes large, purposeful strides despite being relatively short at probably 5"7 or 5"8. I'm 6"2 and Alkander must be 6"1, I think.

When he gets close, his eyes turn to me and my cock twitches in my trousers in response. I want to tell it to calm the fuck down, but I'm distracted by Zephyr actually speaking to me.

"Fuck off staring at me," he snaps angrily and storms past.

I turn to Alkander, who has watched the situation with wide, nervous eyes.

"Well, he seems nice," I comment dryly.


"What are your parents like, then?" Alkander asks from his bed.

After dinner, I went back with him to his room because he was telling me about his vinyl collection. He has brought a load with him to the academy, and they're currently spread out on his floor with me sat in the middle, reading the album covers.

"They're pretty chill, really," I reply as I read the back of a particularly rare one. "Came out to them when I was ten and they reacted well. I think they're a bit upset that I won't be giving them any grandkids, but they'll deal. What about yours?"

When he doesn't answer straight away, I look up and find him looking at me with raised eyebrows. I grin at him. "What? Didn't realise I was gay or what?"

He blushes again and that makes me smile even more. "No, no, uh, I hadn't really thought about it. I, uh, just can't imagine my dad being so accepting. I don't even know how he'd react. He'd be so disappointed."

I frown, not liking his answer. "I'm sorry, it sucks when parents can't accept who their kids are. Is it just you and your dad, then?"

"Yeah, my mum died when I was younger. He's a grumpy bastard," Alkander complains. "He's obsessed with me behaving and getting good grades."

"Looks like he's got nothing to worry about," I comment, gesturing at the numerous trophies on his shelves.

"Um, I guess I'm a bit of a nerd," he responds shyly.

"I like it," I tell him and wiggle my eyebrows.

I laugh as he quickly looks down at his hands again. I love making him nervous like this, but I should probably stop, it's mean of me.


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