chapter one

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Welcome back, angels! It's been a while since I wrote the first book, so please point out any inconsistencies, thank you! L x



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Brielle's POV.

"Mum, please, I really don't want to go," I whine loudly and bury my face deeper into the covers.

"Brielle St. Cloud, you have known this day was coming all summer. Every other student will be arriving at the academy today, you should be with them."

"But I'm in so much pain."

It's not a lie. These period cramps are sending constant waves of pain throughout my abdomen and the hot water bottle I am cradling to my pelvis isn't having any sort of effect in helping relieve the pain.

"I know, sweetie, but I don't want you to miss out on your first day of school tomorrow!"

I poke my head out from the covers. "Dad said I didn't have to go."

Mum narrows her eyes at me. "Which Dad?"

That's the kicker, isn't it? One mum, four dads. Nothing normal about my family.

"Doro," I reply, naming my biological father.

His real name is actually Oro, but Daddy Oro has been shortened to 'Doro' over the years. It's started as an affectionate nickname and has become how we all address him.

The same applies to the rest of my dads. They have changed from Mal, Es and Lucio to Dal, Des and Ducio. It just makes life easier for me and my siblings, of which I have three.

I am the youngest. The oldest of us is Delilah, everyone calls her Lila for short, she is 21. Then there is my oldest brother, Ignacio, who is 19, and my youngest brother, Nolen, who is 18. He just graduated from the academy this year.

All three of my siblings have gone to the Whitlock Academy before me and, for that, I am grateful. It means that I won't be the first to go and have to deal with the 'your momma gets railed by four guys' jokes that we were all subjected to at lower school. I'm sure I'll still get them, but hopefully enough time has passed, and enough siblings have gone through the academy that the jokes are getting old by the time I arrive.

It's been years since Emery and The Four were at the academy. Unfortunately, my mother is still one of the teachers. That doesn't help my situation any.

You would think that I would be excited to go to the academy and get out of this mad house. There are eight of us living here at the moment. Despite being a mansion, it's pretty crowded.

It got a bit better a couple years ago when Lila met her mates and moved out of the house, but there's still too many of us. We always have to book at restaurants because we fill tables easily and it's hard to find room for eight people. We're classed as a 'large party'. There is nothing about us that is a party, we're damn chaotic.

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