[2] Urgh!!! Why Stairs??

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A/N: potential trigger warning of minor bulling

Monday 4th September 2017

Well I have fully decided now that school well and truly sucks!!

On a Monday I have:
Study Hour
And Biology.

Now you're probably thinking why is that such a terrible thing that it makes your whole school experience seem like hell? I'll tell you why. STAIRS!!! Every single lesson is on the second or third floor of each building.

I swear I almost fell about 27 times.

Here is a guide to Stairs with Addison James:
- There is nothing you can do!
- Just hang on to a railing
- And pray to whatever God you deem worthy that you make it to class without a bruise or injury.

Stairs are a literal warzone and I don't know about you but they are down right scary. SCARY!! They haunt my nightmares (okay calm down Adi no need for dramatics). Now stairs are the quickest route normally when you can fly up and down them with practiced ease and good balance. Me I have none of those things.

Let's not forget to add the 500 kids that are also trying to use the stairs. Everyone is pushing and pulling trying to scramble to their designated rooms.


So this is how my school day went today. I arrived at 8:15am, on time today might I add, and headed off to the English Department to Mr Kingsman's classroom, where I then sat and waited the 45 minutes until class started. The class started to trickle in through the door and then lesson began. I only managed to write about 4 paragraphs before my hand started to ache but anyway I continued as there wasn't much I could do. Then...

~Ding Dong Ding~

The bell went now it was time for The Hallway of Hell. This time however I managed to only slip 2 times, New world record, then the stairs which were a mad rush but were empty by time I reached the bottom. I now only had 2 mins to reach the Maths Department and make it to the 3rd Floor otherwise I got a Late Stamp and that meant detention.

You would think for Disabled Kids they would make an exception but no...

I think you can guess what happened. Yup Mr Wyles gave me detention. It was safe to say that by this time my hand was well and truly hurting but I continued through it because...

~what doesn't kill you makes you stronger~

Anyway the process then repeated except when I got to Study Hour my tutor Ms Laura, the lovely woman that she is after I explained to her why I had so many detentions got rid of them for me and proceeded to write 3 very angry emails and giving me a pass that allowed me to arrive late to lessons and explained why.

~Ding Dong Ding~


I then made my way to the stairs and started my slow decent clutching the railing do hard I thought it would snap. Everything was fine until a group of rowdy Year 11 boys decided to push past me down the stairs making me tumble to the bottom. Where I proceeded to do the stupid thing of shouting at them.

"Hey watch where you going!"

One of the tall lanky ones then proceeded to turn and face me, it scared the crap our of me, and snarled.

"If you moved out of the way weirdo you wouldn't be on the floor now would ya' hmm."

And with that they left so I collected my bag and began to try to stand up when I found a pale hand in my face. I looked up it was Casey.

"Need a hand" they had said. I took it and began walking with them to Biology. We walked in silence for a bit before they spoke up.

"I'm Sorry that happened to ya"

They were apologising for something they didn't even do and when I mentioned this to them they proceeded to tell me "cause it ain't right ya know. I'm Casey by the way".

"I know dumbo we sit next to each other in most classes" was my dumb response. Casey then explained to me that they were trying to befriend me. I then started apologising, I wasn't used to the whole making friends thing.

When we got to Biology Ms Simmons asked us what we were late I showed my pass and the lesson continued. Me and Casey were sat next to each other and did our work. After that the bell went do we packed up our things and set off. As we were walking down the corridor Casey turned to me and said:

"Why haven't ya got a lift pass"

"A What?"

A lift pass they explained to me was given by the school and would allow me access to the lift rooms within the school. All I had to do was get my parent to message the school along with a doctors note explaining why I needed to use the lift and they would make me one.

I had to tell Mama and Papa about that.

After we went to our lockers we made our way off campus and said goodbye we arranged to meet outside Dr Murphy's Classroom tomorrow.

So yeah that was my day with devil stairs, Hell's Hallway, potential new bullies and a new friend. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all...

Anyway Signing Out

Addison xx

A/N: *New Characters Alert*

⚠️Minor Bullying⚠️

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