Baneblade in winter cup, Tyranids and French.

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Momo Kawashima is in the bridge of Ooarai's school carrier carrier directing a search to find tanks inside the school carrier to add to the Sensha-dō team. Just as she finds an unknown object that is suspected to be a tank, Rabbit Team bursts into the bridge as war hounds and Minotaur as their standing gaurds in the bridge, having just heard the news that Momo failed her university admission test. This news apparently has spread throughout schools, evolving into the rumor that "Momo will repeat a year". Everyone in Ooarai then learns that Momo's failed the test because she was busy looking for new tanks for Ooarai for the Winter Continuous Track Cup. Momo intends to make Ooarai as one of the cornerstones of the Sensha-dō league, which would prevent any attempt at closing the school in the future. Moved by Momo's effort, all teams then agree to make Momo the Commander so that upon winning the Continuous Cup, she will be able to take AO entrance exams to get into Shimofusadai National University. To accomplish this, Miho Nishizumi also has taken the role of Vice-Commander.

In order to allow Momo to focus on the entrance exams, Anglerfish Team takes up the task of searching for the tank that Momo located earlier. Accompanied by Mazoe, they descend into an area of the ship that is very dangerous: The so-called "Johannesburg of Ooarai" which exists in the lowest levels of the ship which is mutated by the warp while Kronos kills all of the daemons, a place where even neither the Morals Committee nor the Student Council have any power. The dark and shabby area is filled with dubious characters. After Sodoko attempts to enforce the school rules on two of the girls in the area, she is grabbed and kidnapped by them. Anglerfish Team gives chase through the dark and winding corridors until they fall into a seemingly dead-end. However, Yukari Akiyama finds a secret entrance to a place called "Bar Donzoko".

Momo: Where is it? Where is it hidden?

Ooarai Student comms: Grid G5, unknown detected on level four. Tagging object as Tango One.

Oorai Student on Comms 2: Judging from its size, the unknown is possibly a tank.

Momo: Yes, we did it!

Ayumi Yamagou: Now you've done it!

Aya Oono: Isn't that pretty bad?!

Karina Sakaguchi: That's really bad!

Azusa Sawa: My Condolences-

Yuuki Utsugi: Please don't lose heart!

Momo: Huh? What are you talking about?

War hounds astartes: We try to asked them to leave their insisted to let them in.

Minotaur Astartes: We tried but they had an authority by your high lord. So we can't go against the high lord.

After the high lords appointed anzu Kadotani as the high lord of Ooarai, by Reboute Guilliman and the high lords of terra. She controlled the Minotaurs as her personal guards and military police.

Momo was shocked by this.

Oorai Students journalist: Extra! Extra! Extra!

As air balloon reads: Kawashima Momo's Retention Uncertain....

As Servo-skulls floating around repeat the message in Vox message.

Taiga Ou: How do you feel about Kawashima-san repeating a year? Is there a any hope for her?

Oorai Student: I don't know!

Girls Und Panzer: The Baneblade In Panzer Universe. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin