Chapter 14

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Hannah's POV:


"So tell me about you family" Oli makes eye contact with me after taking a long sip from his cider. My heart stops. "That's for me to know and you to find out" I smile weakly.

*present time*

If I had told Oli about my past that night, I could have lost him. I was only about 17 when my parents involved me in the whole 'family gang' situation and after I had simply denied it they tried to get Beth to join but thankfully she rejected their offer. I was just scared that they'd maybe get Oli involved. I could've lost everything that night or even scared him away. I mean it is not like you find out your girlfriends family has a gang and they've made people kill themselves because of how they had treated them every day. And today to wake up to find out your own mother had commited suicide because of the abuse she'd been getting from the gang and somehow I felt it was all my fault. She was only recieving the treatment because of me. Because she wanted to protect me and she stood up for me no matter what. What if that turned into Oli one day? I'd never forgive myself let alone for my mother's death.

The funeral was on Tuesday and I had to lie to Oli about the cause of her death. My father would be there and he could say something that blows our relationship, after all most boyfriends I had he'd scared them away and even went as far as asking them to be a part which many objected. If it was Oli's family I'd certainly be scared and it musn't be great to be able to say your girlfriend's family has a gang and her mother commitied suicide. Reason being me avioding my father and keeping everything from Oli. At least until I have to tell him, I just don't want to be forced to tell him or him hear it from someone other than me.


Sorry it is such a short part but I currently don't have a load of time right now, I will udate tomorrow but this was just a small insight to Hannah's past and about her recieving the news of her mother's death.

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