Chapter Eight

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TW/CW: suggestive scene, manipulation, nudity (I don't think nudity rlly matters tho cus u can't see em but I mean u never know 🤷)  also mild swearing

Suggestive scene is at the beginning we're movin fast

There she was, Sally.

I never wanted to see her face again, I thought I had moved on. But seeing her here just reminded me of everything we had, everything we were. .

She was at my doorstep, with tear-stained cheeks, and yet she was still effortlessly beautiful. .her lips were glistening with her pink lip gloss, her face littered with an abundance of freckles, and God I loved freckles. Her hair was down, the orange curls framing her face. Her green eyes stared at me with that innocent look of sadness.

And now she wanted to come inside, and I just couldn't say no.

I let her in, I took her to my room, and we sat on the bed.

"It's Jared," she cried, swiping at the tears that fell, "he wants to break up with me!"

I frowned. "Why?"

She sniffed, and she was such a pretty crier. ." He said that I'm too bitchy! He says I should just mind my damn business! That I'm too obsessed! I just care about him! I want to know where he is, or who he's with!"

"Oh. ."

"Is there-- is there something wrong with me!? Like genuinely! Tell me!"

I felt myself beginning to shake. This was too much. I couldn't handle her presence, she was taunting me, surely. She came to rub it in my face that she was with another man.

"I just. .I just care about him. You know?"

"I think that's reasonable," I whispered, trying to soothe her as I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. I was lying, she was crazy obsessive. But I didn't know what else to say.

She looked at me, and now the two of us were just staring at each other. . The two of us, entwined in this deep pile of shit, longing for someone. And even though I knew exactly what she had come here for, it sounded pleasant. It sounded nice to relapse into something that made me feel good no matter how bad it turned out to be.

So, when she roughly grabbed my face and smashed her lips against mine, I didn't resist, instead, I forced my hand through her hair and kissed back with just as much passion.

I let her in my house for five minutes and she's already in my bed. .

But God how I missed touching her hair or feeling her soft lips. God how I missed her, Sally, for all that she was. Because she was beautiful, and she was a monster, but she was Sally, and I had loved her.

Suddenly she was pinning me down and she was on top of me. The night progressed, the two of us were wrapped in each other's lustful desperation.

It was horrible and wrong, but it was good and familiar. And I've missed it.

I woke up the next morning with Sally in my arms, and I sighed, tracing circles on her arm. I missed this so much, waking up next to the love of my life as the sun peeked through the blinds.

Waking up to see the sun bounce off those beautiful orange curls.

Sally, she was something sweet and forbidden. She was a song that no one should sing, but to hear it was a blessing. She was the forbidden fruit that Eve was told not to eat.

And she was just as bad for me, but her sweetness made me blind to all her bitterness.

Slowly she began to stir, I watched her eyes flutter open. She was an angel. .

She smiled and my heart fluttered in my chest.

"Good morning, Wilbur. . ," she giggled.

And I knew I was wearing a stupidly goofy grin. But I couldn't bring myself to stop. "G'morning, sunshine."

She planted a sweet good morning kiss on my lips before sitting up and stretching. The blanket fell as she did so, and even though I had seen her body last night and several times before, I felt my face heat up and my heart skips several beats.

She just giggled and sat up, walking over to the closet, her hips swaying slightly which she knew drove me crazy, as she fished through for some clothes. She shouldn't be wearing mine, because we weren't dating, but I made no effort to stop her.

She held up two hangers with different shirts, basic and plain colors. She turned around and placed the shirts over her bare breasts. "Wilbur, honey, which is better?"

My mind had already left on a vacation to heaven by now, my eyes watching her body, and her angelic movements, rather than processing her words.

I pointed to the shirt on the left. She smiled and and threw it on.

After I had snapped out of it, I realized she was wearing an old band shirt of mine. It was black and, on the front, it said: LOVEJOY! With the band members' names on the back.

She put back on her white skirt, which looked really cute with the shirt, before walking back over to me.

I kinda missed my old band. .but it was a childish dream I couldn't pursue.

"So," she said, positioning herself on my lap, "what now?"

My heart was racing so fast I thought I'd have a heart attack. I couldn't think, she was hypnotizing.

"About what?" I asked, watching her lips.

"About. .us," she replied, trailing her finger down my chest and tracing my muscles.

I couldn't do this; she knew I couldn't say no. Why me? Why did God have to bring the one woman I was never able to say no to up to my doorstep?

"I don't know," I responded honestly, "what do you think?"

Why did I ask that?

"Well. .I think that you're really. .handsome," she whispered, inching herself closer to my lips.

"Yeah?" I said, unable to peel my eyes off of hers.

"Yeah. And I think I really, really like you."

I gulped.

"And I think this could really work this time. Don't you?"

I felt like I was about to cry at that question. "Well. .I don't know, y'know? I mean, you really hurt me. ."

She pouted. "Oh, c'mon, it was nothing serious. Stuff like that happens in relationships all the time! It wasn't serious; besides, I love you way more than Jared. ."

"Really. .?"


I frowned. "Okay. .well, I mean I guess we could give it another shot?"

She giggled. "Oh, Wilbur! Thank you! Oh, I know we can make this work! I love you!"

Before I could say anything, she was kissing me again.

It was nice but at the same time, I felt like I had done something wrong. Did I? Was this stupid. .?

Of course, it was, just when I've reached the peak I'm always knocked down. .

A/N: sorry again for the delay. There should be an update this Sunday still also. Ty all for the support! :)

Perfect Screw Ups | QuackburDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora