"Fuck this place, fuck Mineta for being a fucking piece of shit," he growled as he steps out of his room, slamming the door behind him, not caring if anyone woke up from the noise.

Luckily, no one did. Or they just simply ignored it. Good for them. Good choice.

The jog with Iida was helpful, to say the least. He was able to burn his anger by running a few extra miles to tire himself out. The two of them talked about their classes, complimenting their peers, and planning on what they would do for the rest of the week. He was ready to finally put on the all smile Deku persona he had created.

They returned to the dorm with the girls preparing cereals and a quick breakfast for everyone. They were chuckling to themselves, gossiping as usual. While the boys prepared the bowls and cleaned up their dinner table.

He greeted them with usual pleasantries.

"Good morning, everyone!" he smiled, waving his hand as he walks past them.

"Good morning, Deku!"

"Good morning, Midobro!"

"Heya! You're not going to skip leg day, aren't you?"

"A pleasant morning, Midoriya. I hope you slept well last night."

He chuckled, continuing to walk to his room, refusing to answer. He would not lie nor pretend he had a pleasant sleep. He only slept for 2 hours for fuck sake. What's pleasant about 2 hours' worth of his eyes closed if he would just be woken up by the annoying grape.

He took a shower and changed his clothes into something more comfortable. After that, he left his room and joined his class to eat their meals.

Everything was going fine. They were eating in peace and harmony. Everyone said their pleasantries, each talking about topics he didn't even try to focus on.

He just chewed his cereal. He observed everything he could see. The sky is blue, the clouds are in a pretty shade of white and gradients of light blues, the winds flowed gently through the trees, the birds were flapping their wings gracefully, and Mineta testing his patience today and acting like the scum of a human being.

He glanced to the side, gripping the spoon in hand, overhearing the grape talk about their respected teacher.

"Midnight-sensei is so hot! Do you see how she whipped that whip of hers?! I would let her whip me!" Mineta gushed, hearts in his eyes as he imagine whatever the fuck he is thinking.

Disgusting piece of shit, Izuku thought.

"I hope Midnight-sensei would let me whip her too! Ugh, she's so hot! Her hero costume lets me see every curve and oh my God, have you guys seen her thighs?!" his mouth watered, his hands doing the 'grabby' hand gesture in the air.

So here he is now, the so claimed ray of sunshine, the UA's precious cinnamon roll, unconsciously bending the spoon in half with his bare hand, glaring holes at his grape-themed classmate that he hopes would do them a favor and just combust and die.

Bakugou glanced at the spoon, inching away from the teen with sweats forming at the side of his head. He studied Izuku and noticed every red flag he could find.

Bags were under his eyes, the color of his eyes was glowing toxic green, his jaws were clenched, green sparks were visible in his arms, and veins were visible at his neck.

The nerd was mad. He gulped with his eyes wide.

"You're disgusting. You're so shameless for thinking something so vulgar with Midnight-sensei," Jirou crinkled her nose.

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