Introduction (Please Read)

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Hi, please read this introduction

- This book was made just for fun, I'm not a professional and I'm not claiming to be so please don't comment negative comments unless it's not super rude constructive criticism
- Despite this book not being great, I still don't want it stolen as it's mine
- This book contains violence, it's not a whole lot and it's not very gory but it might disturb some people so I'm putting a warning up
- This book contains my version of mythical creatures so they might not be super accurate as I just wanted to do my own thing with them
- There is a werewolf in this and I need to quickly mention this because this is not the type that is currently popular. By that I mean the whole "Hot man that can turn into a wolf at will" The werewolf in this book is a bit more traditional although I have changed him a bit. He can't change into a wolf at will, it happens at night and he has no control and becomes a bloodthirsty wolf creature. He looses every bit of sanity and can not remember anything during his transformations. There is also no alpha, beta, omega sort of thing because wolves don't actually have those ranks. A pack of wolves is led usually by the parents and the rest of the pack is their kids. So a pack is just another word for family, they don't usually have unrelated wolves in their pack and that's the same way the pack in this book will be like. They don't even call each other pack or pups because just because they can turn into a wolf, does not make them act like wolves in human form. Sorry, just needed to clear that up
- I hope you enjoy the book

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