Traped with ed on the moon!

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Hi I'm Ashley and this is my story!! Every once and a while I will be interrupting to give my input on the story! Okay let's let it start now! ❤️

It was a gloomy evening. And also my 15th birthday too. My birthday was mostly good, but my stupid idiot brother Ben was being dumb and annoying so now I'm in a bad mood. I sit in my room alone and sad. I stare over into the corner and see my Ed sheeran poster. I think to myself "he's so cute I wish I was his girlfriend" "if only!" I think to myself. I lay in bed sad. Now all I can think about is Ed! He consumes my entire brain. All of a sudden the tv turns on and an alarm starts going off! The tv says it's the last day on earth and the world is ending!

Hi it's me Ashley again! I really tried hard on this story so tell me what you think I'm the comments! Okay let's continue I really wanna know what happens to our main character (Ashley)

Oh no! I thought to myself. I don't wanna die! But then the news on the tv says we will be boarding space ships and going to the moon with 1 other person of the opposite sex so that we can make babies and repopulate the moon. I wonder who my partner will be? My mom calls me down stairs. We're all going to board the ships to the moon now. I'm sitting in my chair waiting for my partner to arrive and OH MY GOSH ITS ED! HES MY PARTNER! He looks at me all cutely and takes my hand. I feel the nervousness in his hand. He pulls me away from my family and into the spaceship and we take off.

Hi it's me Ashley (again) how did you like my story? It's only part one but if I get enough support I'll continue the story! I hope I do because I'm really liking this one!! Goodbye bbs! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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Trapped in the moon with Ed sheeran Where stories live. Discover now