Wedding Surprises

Start from the beginning

"Three this afternoon," said Kali, "and no later. You hear me?" She put the phone down and turned to Vida.

"Yikes, and to think that temper is going to get worse in the upcoming months," said Vida, biting her lip.

Kali sighed. "Okay, maybe you have a point about Nick," she said, laughing lightly. "But, now that the cake is dealt with. How about a relaxing shower to cleanse your mind?" She held up three kinds of potions she had picked up from Root core.

Vida beamed and, taking Kali's offered hand, followed her upstairs.


The rest of the day passed in a whirl. At 1:45pm, Kali, the rest of the Bridesmaids and the Bride arrived at Cedar Grove where the wedding was being held. A great archway had been erected at the entrance to the Grove, and pink and yellow flowers had been woven through the green leaves in intricate patterns.

Passing under the leaves, the Bridal shower gazed around at the grove. It had been decorated with rows and rows of white chairs that were situated either side of a pink carpet that led from where they stood to the alter, behind which was a second archway with the same pink and yellow flowers woven throughout it.

Udonna and Eithne stood beside the alter, checking over something and whispering to themselves. They looked up as the bridal shower approached.

"Oh, Vida, today is going to be magical!" said Eithne, stepping down and taking the young mystic's face between her hands. She kissed her forehead and smiled. "We're just adding a few last-minute things to the schedule."

"What are you all doing here?" Udonna asked.

"Prep," said Kali. "The wedding is in an hour. We're getting ready here."

"Oh. That's what the big tent is for," said Eithne.

Kali nodded. "You're both welcome to join us if you've finished," she said.

"Thank you, Kali, but I'm needed back at Root core," said Udonna. "But, I will be here waiting for you, Vida, when the time is ready."

Vida smiled. "Thank you, Udonna. I couldn't think of anyone better than you to marry me and Chip," she said.

"It is my honour, child," said Udonna. She, too, cupped Vida's face and kissed her forehead. She then smiled at the bridesmaids and disappeared in a flourish of snow.

Eithne turned to her daughter. "I would be happy to join you," she said.

"Great. I could use the extra set of hands," said Kali, beaming.

Squeezing her daughter in a side hug, Eithne followed the bridal party into the big white tent on the edge of the grove. Inside were different rooms where each of the bridesmaids could get dress, and a separate one for Vida. Even though her bridesmaids had seen her dress during the initial shopping spree in Ocean Bluff, Kali had insisted that she be away from the chaos that was about to ensue, to remain relaxed before the ceremony.

"I'll be right in," said Kali, ushering Vida into her room.

"Take your time," said Vida, as the door closed behind her.

Kali entered the room where the others were sitting. "Right, well, there are separate rooms fully stocked and ready for you all," she said. "There are beauticians on standby, if you want to use them, or you can do your own hair and makeup, it's your choice. Your dresses, which have been made to fit you specifically, are in each room, and your names should be on the doors. If they aren't, get me, and we'll sort it out."

The bridesmaids nodded and hurried off to find their rooms.

"Where do you need me?" Eithne asked.

"Can you help me with Vida?" Kali asked.

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