Wedding Surprises

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Category: TV Show » Power Rangers

Author: Twix3780

Language: English

Rated: Fiction T

Genre: Fantasy/Family

Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers.

Author's Note: Welcome to the final book in Phase One - Wedding Surprises - takes place roughly three months after the end of The Hellhound's Demon. I hope you enjoy.

Vida let out an aggravated sigh as she slammed the phone back down on the hook.

"Careful, that phone's going to sue for domestic abuse charges if you're not careful," said Kali, letting herself into the house.

It was the morning of Chip and Vida's wedding, and while the actual ceremony didn't start from another five hours, she had promised Vida she would get there early to make sure everything was going ahead as schedule.

"Sorry," said Vida, rubbing her face. "I'm just stressing."

"Why?" Kali asked. "All you should be doing is resting. I'm the wedding planner, and I've got everything under control."

"But you're also pregnant," said Vida. "I thought I would help lessen the load."

Kali narrowed her eyes. "I mean this in the nicest way possible," she said. "But, did I ask you too?"

"No, but -"

"No buts," said Kali. "I am a month pregnant. The baby isn't even a baby yet, plus, both of us are protected by the Hellhound. I'm not going to miscarry just because I have a few extra jobs. So, you sit your cute butt down, and stop stressing!"

Vida huffed and flopped into a nearby chair. "I suddenly feel very sorry for Nick," she said. "If you're like this now, imagine what you'll be like when your mood swing starts."

"Nick is used to my mood swings," said Kali. "Now, do you want to tell me why you were slamming the phone down?"

Vida sighed. "The company were ordered my cake from," she said. "They can't deliver it this afternoon because they're understaffed."

"What?" Kali asked, blinking quickly. "Oh no. Not a chance! They promised me it would be there before the ceremony, and I swear to God, if they think they can just pull out now..." she picked up the receiver and dialled the cake maker.

Vida winced as she listened to Kali rant as the phone rung and rung. Finally, someone answered.

"Briarwood Cakes for All Occasions," said a cheery female voice. Vida almost felt sorry for her. "You're speaking with Caitlin; how can I help?"

"I'm ringing on behalf of an order I placed three months ago," said Kali. "Vida and Chip Thorn. Three tier wedding cake in pink with yellow flowered frosting."

"We've already spoken to the bride about the cake," said Caitlin. "We're understaffed and therefore unable to deliver the cake today. Is tomorrow okay?"

"If you deliver it tomorrow then we won't be needing it," said Kali. "The wedding is this afternoon!"

"Oh. Well, miss, I'm sorry, but -"

"No, buts!" Kali snapped. "I made these reservations months ago. If that cake's not at the Wedding Venue before 3pm, there is going to be hell to pay."

"Yes, but Miss, I can't -"

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