"Akara is shocked, for good reason. I mean, so am I," he says calmly. I'm glad he has a better handle on his emotions than I do, otherwise Tai and I may be here all night, arguing with each other as if we weren't just lovers a few weeks back. "Tai, you have a lot to make up for."

Tai runs his hands back through his dark curls, which don't appear to have been washed in quite some time. "Which I will do, once Akara kills a Tani, and becomes one."

"Not happening," I snap.

Because I may have already killed one.

"Zavian, you seem to have become fond of Akara recently," Tai notes, looking between the two of us as if he can see the physical connection of our friendship. "Help me get Marek to the brink of death so Akara can take the last shot, and end him."

Zavian flinches. "No...No that's not happening."

From behind us, the door clicks open, Marek coming to lean against the doorframe. His eyes are blazing with a dark storm of anger, even if his expression is casual, unbothered. I can see the sudden tension arise in Tai from the hunters presence.

"You know I can hear you?" Marek mutters, brows creasing together.

"What do you suggest Akara do? Unless you want her to die?" Tai demands, brushing past me. I follow him with my gaze, worried he's going to launch at Marek and try to kill him. He's not stupid though. Surely he knows he doesn't stand a chance against him without some kind of special weapon.

"You're not helping her deal with that," Marek mutters. "Come on Akara, we should leave."

There is a knowing look in his eyes. He's heard everything Tai has said, and knows that if it's true, then there is a chance I may turn into a Snow Demon. But he too understands that Tai can't know about that, not yet. We need to confirm this first, in case Tai is using this as a way to get Marek killed.

"It's late, and its not as if you have anywhere else to stay," Tai exclaims, looking at me as he spreads his arms out. "Come on, I have plenty of space."

There isn't too much space, only three more doors in here that I assume lead to two bedrooms and a bathroom.

"Not happening," Marek growls.

"Maybe we should. I mean he's right, we have no where else to stay and you told me yourself that this city is dangerous," I bring up. It's not that I want to spend a night in close proximity to Tai right now, but I'm terrified of going out onto the streets in the dark, trying to find a place to spend the night.

Marek frowns. "Akara..."

Zavian steps forward, sensing the growing tension between Marek and I. "We can stay, but only if you explain everything. Starting with why you're here."

"I failed to get my throne back from my sister, and to avoid her coming to kill me at my weakest point, I'm here, waiting out the storm," he explains. He's smart, to come here. Vaia will never be able to trace him in such a large city. But how he thinks he can build himself back after this is beyond me.

I inhale sharply. "You planned for this. You knew I would be put into the river."

"I assumed. The ring dissolves in the river, over time. It made sure the message would get across to you," he says calmly. He should never have assumed. He should have been honest, for once in our relationship.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?"

Tai's gaze drags over to the man standing beside me, and accusatory look about him. "Couldn't have it getting back to Marek."

"So you never trusted me?" I murmur.

Tai straightens, before sauntering closer to me. Marek tenses beside me, but I shoot him a look. Tai isn't going to hurt me, but admittedly, being so close to him is unnerving. It's like I've forgotten the finer details of his face, the nuances of his scent. It brings back memories, of how I felt only weeks earlier.

"You never trusted me..." he breathes, holding my gaze.

I swallow tightly. "It was never going to work, was it?"

"Akara, I still love you. Don't let any of this fool you," he tells me softly, clearly not bothered that everyone is standing around listening to him confess his feelings. "You're going to kill a Tani, and you're going to save yourself."

I'm not sure what to say, my feelings overwhelming my thoughts.

"Show me to a room, I'm going to need to sleep," Nakoa says after a while. I'm tired too, drained from all the travelling and information I've been trying to sort through. But I'm not sure how I'm going to sleep under the same roof as Tai.

Tai starts pointing to the doors. "You and Zavian can sleep in that room there. Akara and I in mine, and Marek in the hallway."

"I'm not sleeping in the same room as you," I snap. If I sleep in the same room as him, chances are he is going to expect me to sleep in the same bed also. The thought of that makes my stomach twist uncomfortably.

I run my hands back through my hair. "I'll sleep on the floor..."

"You can't sleep out here with him." Tai motions to Marek, who mercifully remains silent, waiting for me to make my decision.

"Tai...Don't start," I sigh, so tired of fighting with him I feel as though I could collapse. "I was running around, on the verge of death while you were here."

"I'm here trying to find a cure," he explains.

"You can't cure something that if your fault. You messed with nature, now you are paying the price," Marek responds, folding his arms over his chest.

Tai pauses, looking tempted to argue back, although seemingly backs off, realising he has no basis to make an argument on.

"Sleep where you want," he mutters, before disappearing into his room, the door slamming closed behind him.


Remember that you can always find this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish (:

Remember that you can always find this story 10 chapters ahead on Radish (:

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You will find it under King's Possession Season Three!!

~Midika 🐼💜

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