Ashley grabbed her keys and left the apartment, and went to Kara's loft. She remembered that before she left work, Kara gave Ashley her address, for anytime she wanted to come over.

Kara is watching tv when suddenly there is a knock at the door. She uses her x-ray vision and sees Ashley. Kara opens the door and she is just full of jitters, then it goes away. "Are you crazy, Kara". Ashley walks into Kara loft. "What if someone seen you, or followed you here. What we're you think. You probably weren't think. Look I am glad your okay, but Kara you could've got hurt. Yes we don't feel pain until we do. Those people could've died. You could've died Kara", Ashley rambles.

"Your rambling Ash. And I am okay. I swear. It's been a while since I flew, and it felt good. Can't you be happy for me", Kara says. "You think im not happy for you. I am. Kara I am. But why. Why risk it", asked Ashley. "Alex. Alex was on the plane", Kara says looking sad. 

Kara sits on the couch looking down. Ashley joins her. "Look, I am glad you both are safe. I am glad everyone can go home to their families. But you gotta be cautious. Kal deals with a lot of enemies. Once those enemies see there is another one that can fly, or do the things Superman can do. Your life will change. The people around you life will change for better or worse", Ashley says.

The two sister sit there in the quiet. "Have you used your powers", asked Kara.

"Yea", Ashley smiles. "Kal has been teaching me almost everything I need to know. Using our powers, I can finally feel like me. When we came to this Earth. You were able to fit in. Hide your alien side. Me. I couldn't. So I left. And I got go somewhere where I could be alien Ashley and human Ashley. Kal's parent we're supportive and kind. They took their time with me". Ashley looks at Kara. "You gotta be safe and watch your surroundings. You can't rust everyone".

Ashley gets up from the couch and walks to the door. "Be safe, Kara. See you tomorrow". "You too Ash". 

Ashley opens the door and when she does she sees Alex. The one that told her she would never be nothing. The one that to Ashley, she was dangerous and not her sister. Honestly, Alex was the part of the reason she left.

"Alex", says Ashley.

"Ashley. What are you doing here", says Alex rudely.

"She was just talk to me Alex. It's okay", Kara jumped in.

"No it's not okay. We swore we would never allow Ashley back into our lives. Not after she left you alone", yelled Alex.

"You said that Kara". Ashley begin form tears in here eyes. "You know we made a promise to mom and dad, that we would be there for each other. I tried everyday since I left the Danvers and you never made an effort. I see why. You found a new sister. You replaced me. Guess you can keep your promise Kara. Goodbye", Ashley says as she walks out of Kara loft, hitting her shoulders against Alex.

"Ow", Alex says as she holds her shoulder.

"Really, Alex", Kara says.

"Why was she here, Kara", Alex says as she walk into the loft.

"I am guessing the same reason your here". Kara sits down and fixes her glasses as Alex walks to the cabinet and grabs a glass cup. Then, to grab a bottle of alcohol from the counter. She pours the alcohol into the cup and drinks it straight. She turns to Kara and yells, quietly.

"What we're you thinking. You exposed yourself. To the world. You're out there now, Kara. Everyone will know about you and you can't take that back".

"I don't want to", says Kara. "This is what I was talking about, Alex. I've always felt the need to help people, and tonight I finally got that chance. I....I didn't travel 2,000 light-years to be an assistant".
Meanwhile, after leaving Kara's loft, Ashley went to a bar. Even though she can't get drunk, she still drinks to fill a hole in her. When she's drinking some guys come up behind her and touches her back.

Ashley Zor-El // Book 1 // SupergirlWhere stories live. Discover now