"Then you are making the same mistake Ajak did." Ikaris told him. I threw a flame at him.

"You are willing to murder billions of innocent people at the cost of what?" I asked, I couldn't calm myself all my anger, sadness and betrayal was welling up.

"You wouldn't understand. You are human, emotional, weak, unstable, you were made to be a monster." Ikaris concluded, he stated all the things I was afraid of becoming, I looked at them and they all looked at me in fear. I was in my true form, cracks along my skin made of fire and magma, body and hair ablaze.

"Желите чудовиште можете имати чудовиште

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"Желите чудовиште можете имати чудовиште."(You want the monster you can have the monster). For the first time in a long time I spoke in my native tongue of Sokovian. Makkari came in.

I found Tiamut. She signed. Ikaris tried to hit Makkari but hit Kingo instead.

"Kingo." Ikaris said, walking towards him. Kingo and I got ready to hit Ikaris.

"You do not turn against your family. Gilgamesh died because of you." Kingo said. I moved to stand next to Kingo.

"You won't succeed against me. And I will kill every one of you if I have to." Ikaris said simply.

"They may not but I will." I said finally letting my Sokovian accent come through. I aimed to kill him, but Sprite spoke up.

"Wait. I'm going with you." Sprite said I stopped what I was doing and dropped my hands.

"Sprite..." Sersi said.

"Red?" I choked out. Looking at her with tears in my eyes.

"I should have believed Ikaris, no one can ever love a child who never ages." Sprite said before vanishing off. I dropped to the floor.

Why did Sprite go with Ikaris? Makkari signed.

"Because she loves him. Oh, you guys didn't pick up on that? He really fooled us, didn't he? Karun, let's go." Kingo said I couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"Wait, where the hell are you going?" Phastos asked.

"I can't help you guys. I still think Ikaris is right." Kingo told us.

"So, that's it, huh? Just gonna follow him?" Phastos questioned him.

"I love the people of this planet. But if you stop this emergence, you are preventing so many other worlds like this one from being created. I still have faith in Arishem. But I refuse to hurt any of you for my beliefs." Kingo said before walking out.

We need you. Makkari signed to him.

"Even with my help, we're no match. It's Ikaris. But... I hope to see you on the next planet." Kingo said before walking out with Kuran in tow. Kuran bid us farewell and left.

"What just happened?" Phastos asked no one in particular.

"Sprite left and I turned into a monster. I have to go. If I'm not back in ten minutes I am far gone." I said before walking out. I walked out of the Domo thinking about Sprite's last words to me. What did Ikaris say to make her think I wouldn't love her.

Sprite POV

I sat near the volcano with Ikaris thinking about Lena and what Ikaris told me.


Phastos and Lena where with Jack, Ikaris came over to me.

"You know she will grow old and you will stay young forever, how can she truly love you. She is a threat and a distraction, focused on the problem at hand." Ikaris said in my ear before walking back over to Sersi.

(End of flashback)

"I'm glad you're here. Thank you, Sprite." Ikaris said, looking over to me.

"Was what you said true? Was it all fake?" I asked him, but he turned away and didn't answer. I knew I made a mistake, but Lena wouldn't take me back even if I tried.

My Phoenix - SpriteWhere stories live. Discover now