Another College Au Pt.2 (Smut)

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There's a bit of smut near the end~

Luca twirled his finger around Edgar's hair, admiring him. Edgar turned to his side, facing him and Luca pulled back, his face red.

After a couple of minutes, Norton returned with Luca's bags. He placed them on his bed and looked down at him.

"Do you like him?" he asked.

"I do..." Luca replied, not taking his eyes off of Edgar.

"You should tell him. I'm sure he feels the same way."

"You think so?"

"Pretty sure. Have you not realized, he's really comfortable around you. Even though he's an asshole about it, he really cares about you."

"Well I know he doesn't hate me cause that's just how Eddie is. I just don't know if he likes me the way I like him."

"Luca, when he says he hates you, it's obvious that he doesn't. That's what people like him say to the people they have crushes on."

"I've been flirting with him for so long and he hasn't noticed. It's useless."

"I wouldn't say that."

"It's true. Earlier today, I told him that he's playing hard to get to tease him. I don't know if he knew I was flirting. I'm always trying to sit next to him and get him to sit next to me. Everyone else in the class either ridicules him or tries to get me to sit with them even when I say no. Norton I don't know what to do."

Norton stood with his finger to his lip and he shrugged.

"Just literally say it to him directly. It worked with Naib and Eli so I'm sure Edgar is no different."

"I can't just say it. He'll say no or never let me be near him anymore. Why are relationships so hard...?"

"I promise you, it's not as hard as you think it is. Take my advice and just tell him. It'll work. I'm gonna go to my dorm now so I'll see ya tomorrow. You can do it buddy."

Norton left and Luca buried his head into the blanket, gripping it tightly. He didn't know what to do.

"How do I tell you that I like you Eddie...?" he mumbled.

He carefully took the bow out of Edgar's hair and placed it on the bedside table. He stood up again and sat on his own bed, looking down at his knees. He felt tears rolling down his cheeks and he wiped them away with the back of his hand.

"This is pathetic."

He lay down on his side to face Edgar, who was still fast asleep. He covered his face with his pillow and cried quietly. He started to think if Edgar really means what he says. Eventually, he cried himself to sleep, holding the pillow tightly.

Morning came and he was shook awake by Edgar. He slowly opened his eyes and noticed him leaning over him.

"Good morning Luca. I didn't know you were staying over."

Luca shot up from the bed and stood in front of him.

"Umm... yes. Norton and I agreed to switch dorms so now I stay here." he paused. "If that's ok...?"

Edgar rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Yeah whatever. Thanks for bringing me home anyway. I'm gonna get dressed."

He rummaged through the closet and took out clothes, heading into the bathroom. He called out to Luca.

"Change where you are and do it quickly. I need to come out of the bathroom and I don't really want to see you naked."

Edluca OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now